You Are My Rare Passion

Chapter 709

Chi Zhan's heart was pounding with laughter, her ears were red, and she stammered, "yes, yes, doctor Yue is right, we are friends..."

Yue ya'er looked at him at a loss and stuttered, "poof Chi" with a laugh, "since you are a friend, then don't call me doctor Yue, just call me ya'er."

"Good, good, ya, ya'er..." Chi Zhan's face is burning. He feels that ya'er is the most beautiful girl's name in the world he has ever heard. It's sweet and soft in his heart and unspeakable kindness.

Yue ya'er says to him with a smile, "go and call brother Yu. I'll explain the situation of Qingqing to him. Go and accompany Qingqing."

"Good, good!" Chi Zhan turns around and runs back to Chi Qing's bedside. His heart beats fast and disorderly.

Chi Yu doesn't know what to say with Chi Qing. He has calmed Chi Qing down.

Chi Qing saw Chi Zhan running over, his cheek a little red, and reached out to touch his face, "second brother, are you hot? Why is your face so red? "

"Ah? Yes, yes? " Chi Zhan also touched his face, "I, I seem to be a little hot, that, big brother, ya'er has something to say to you."

Chi Yu looks around his stupid brother's face Ya'er?

Just call someone else's girl's name so gentle and tactful, his stupid brother has been hopeless.

Chi Yu gives his sister to Chi Zhan and leaves the room with Yue ya'er.


in the living room, ye Xingbei is playing with the two kids with the new toys that misheng and situ Jinse bought for them.

When the door of the living room was open, she heard footsteps in the yard and looked askance.

Fang Yao was connecting his mobile phone and putting it in his ear, walking towards the living room. Behind him, he followed Qiao Zui, who was a fool.

I don't know what to say on the other side of the mobile phone. Fang Yao suddenly stops and his face changes violently.

A moment later, the mobile phone slipped from his hand, he swayed and knelt on the ground.

Ye Xingbei was startled, threw the toy in his hand, got up and ran towards him.

Two little guys also saw it and ran behind her. The little sapling cried anxiously: "brother Yao, what's the matter with you?"

After Fang Yao, Qiao Zui ran to him, squatted down to help him, and asked nervously, "what's the matter? Leg injury again? Does it hurt? "

Fang Yao held his hands on the ground, his eyes fixed on the ground, and his face turned pale.

Joe was so drunk that he couldn't do it. "Talk quickly. Did you hurt your leg? Does it hurt badly? You want to kill me, don't you? "

A moment later, big tears fell from Fang Yao's eyes and hit the ground, "Xiao Qiao My grandfather My grandfather is gone... "

"Go, go?" Joe drunk repeated in amazement, a moment later, a butt sitting on the ground, "go, died?"

Fang Yao closed his eyes and knelt down on the ground.

Joe drunk at a loss: "how to leave well? Isn't the old man always in good health

Fang Yao choked and said, "I had an acute heart attack and left in a few minutes before I had time to rescue."

The taste of losing close relatives, Joe drunk experience, he knows, what language is pale at the moment.

He patted Fang Yao on the shoulder and said, "I'll have someone book the air ticket right away. I'll go back with you."

Fang Yao's grandfather watched him grow up and loved him very much.

Whether it's for Fang Yao's sake or for his love, he will accompany Fang Yao back to mourn. , the fastest update of the webnovel!