You Are My Rare Passion

Chapter 708

Chi Yu's heart is like a knife, fiercely covers his eyes, "I'm sorry..."

Sorry, sister, brother didn't take care of you, in your most desperate day, didn't save you

Yue ya'er said softly, "now is not the time to blame yourself. Go to comfort Qingqing according to Qingqing's current idea. Don't let her know the truth. I can't stimulate her for the time being. I'll call ah Zhan and let him stop talking."

Chi Yu quickly nods, wipes his face, goes to Chi Zhan and Chi Qing, pulls Chi Zhan away and pushes him to Yue ya'er. He hugs Chi Qing and comforts him in a soft voice.

Yue ya'er calls Chi Zhan aside, tells Chi Qing's current situation and Chi Zhan, and tells him not to mention that Chi Qing has been killed by lunjian. Then Chi Qing thinks that she has been saved by him and Chi Yu who arrived in time.

Chi Zhan nodded repeatedly to ensure that she would not let go of her death. At the same time, he was worried. "Doctor Yue, it's a good thing that Qingqing can forget the most painful thing for her, but what if she thinks about it again in the future? When she thinks about it again, will she become what she was some time ago? "

"Theoretically, as long as you don't give her the same situational stimulation, she won't think about it again. Since her body's self-protection function allows her to escape, it's very difficult for her to think about it again," Yue ya'er said. "Unless you give her the same situational stimulation, just like last night, or professional psychologists use professional means to guide her to think about it."

Chi Zhan's eyes flashed a fierce: "that is to say, as long as the three scum who bullied Qingqing disappear from the world, Qingqing will never think of the things she was bullied, right?"

Although it's against the law to kill people, it's not difficult for him to let the three scum disappear from the world in a way that doesn't violate the law.

"It's not just people," Yue ya'er said, "but the same scene."

Chi Zhan said, "there won't be the same scene again! We will protect Qingqing and never let her fall into such a desperate situation again. "

Yue ya'er nodded.

She thought for a while and said, "as time goes on, the influence of this event on her will gradually become smaller. That is to say, if time goes on, even if she is stimulated by other stimuli and remembers that event, she will not be like this one, because the feeling is too intuitive and the stimulated mind is abnormal. In the future, you should pay more attention to her and cultivate her optimistic and strong character, so that even with the help of this experience, she will be able to have a better life Then she thought of it, and she could get through it. After all, being bitten by lunjian is not her fault, nor is it a major event like the destruction of the world. If you want to be open, it's no big deal to be bitten by a few mad dogs. "

"Good! Dr. Yue, I'll do everything you say! " Chi Zhan looked at Yue ya'er and said sincerely, "how can we do it in the future? Please ask Dr. Yue to give us more guidance. In the future, we will have to trouble Dr. Yue."

Now he is full of admiration for Yue ya'er.

After Yue ya'er's two-day training, he and his brother's health improved a lot, and they were saved from the misfortune of losing their children and grandchildren.

My sister woke up from her stupidity.

As long as my sister's health is good, and my parents are in a good mood, my health will get better.

Yue ya'er saved his family!

Yue ya'er looked at him with a smile, "don't be so polite. Didn't you say that? We are friends, friends should have helped each other , the fastest update of the webnovel!