You Are My Rare Passion

Chapter 705

The clothes were left on the ground, "late!"

So, just for the sake of the happy Ye Xingbei, he paid the price of meat.

After passion, ye Xingbei didn't even have the strength to move his fingertips.

After the bath, head a touch pillow, immediately into a semi sleep state.

Gu Jun holds her in his arms contentedly, "baby..."

Ye Xingbei closed his eyes and said vaguely, "I want to sleep. If you chirp again, I will turn against you. This time I'm serious!"

Gu Jun chuckles and kisses her fingers: "I'm discussing something with you. A few days later, it's the death day of my elder sister and her husband. I want to take you back to Fengcheng and offer incense to my elder sister and brother-in-law."

"Elder sister and her husband?" Ye Xingbei strongly held his spirit and opened his eyes to see him, "is it Xiao Qiao's parents?"

Gu Jun nodded, "yes."

Ye Xingbei asked, "surely Xiao Qiao will go back, too?"

Gu Jun nodded, "yes."

"That is to accompany him to go back together," Ye Xingbei sighed: "he is now like this, and go back to worship his parents, must be in a bad mood."

Although Qiao Zui looks like a fool on the surface, as if he doesn't care about a broken arm, it's an arm, not a dress. Who can really care?

It's just that I'm afraid people around me will feel sad and pretend I don't care.

Getting her affirmative reply, Gu Jun patted her on the back, "sleep."

"Well," Ye Xingbei closed his eyes and opened them a moment later: "Fengcheng? You just said back to the wind city? Is Joe's home in Fengcheng? "

"Yes," Gu Junzhu said, "my eldest sister's husband's family is a famous family in Fengcheng, Fang Yao is also a Fengcheng person, and Xiao Qiao is a faxiao."

"Well, no wonder they have such a good relationship," Ye Xingbei looked up at him. "Do you know Feng Yushang and Feng Yi? Last time Leng peini showed me the video of the two of them, Fengyi knelt on the ground, without clothes on his upper body, and Fengyu stepped on his back. Leng peini said that Fengjia is the richest man in Fengcheng, and Fengyi is the adopted son of Fengjia. She also said that the adopted son and daughter should be like Fengyi and deserve to be trampled by the children of the master's family. "

"I've heard of them, but I don't know them," Gu said, rubbing her head. "What do you want to do with irrelevant people? You're not going to sleep? "

"Sleep Ye Xingbei closed his eyes, hugged his waist, buried his face in his arms, and soon fell asleep.

Looking at her sleeping face, Gu Jun couldn't help laughing. His fingertips crossed her soft outline and thought again What is love?

He and ye Xiaobei are like this now. Is it love?

Ye Xingbei sleeps till dark.

Wash clean, change clothes downstairs, there is no one in the living room.

Give Gu Junzhu a call, Gu Junzhu said, they are in the basement, Yue ya'er is giving Chi Qing treatment.

Ye Xingbei hangs up his cell phone and runs to the basement.

Gently push the door in, walk down the long stairs, stop beside Gu Jun Zhuo.

Gu Junzhu naturally put his hand around her shoulder, pinched her shoulder and did not speak.

Ye Xingbei looked at the situation not far in front of him and didn't make a sound.

In the corner of the basement, Gu Sha's shimuqiao is talking to Chi Qing.

They are far away, their voice is not big, what to say, ye Xingbei can't hear clearly, but she can clearly see that Chi Qing's face is still numb, there is no reaction. , the fastest update of the webnovel!