You Are My Rare Passion

Chapter 706

Gu Sha tried for a long time, but Chi Qing didn't respond at all.

Watching from afar, Chi Zhan was sweating and his eyes were red.

Chi Yu's face is also very ugly.

After a long time, Yue ya'er discussed with them: "it shouldn't work. Give up?"

Chi Zhan felt sick and wanted to die. He said in an urgent voice, "try again, try again."

His voice was full of supplication.

Reason tells Yue ya'er that if he tries again, there will be no result.

But emotionally, she couldn't bear it.

More than half an hour later, Chi Yu closed his eyes and said softly: "give up, try the last way, now try."

He didn't want to wait any longer.

He didn't want to see his beloved sister's stupidity again. No matter who he met or what others said to her, she didn't react at all.

His sister is smart and lovely.

It doesn't matter if he has been hurt. He has Xiaozhan and his parents. He believes that his sister will survive.

Chi Zhan's face turned red. What else did he want to say? He was held down by Chi Yu. "Xiao Zhan, calm down. Do you want to see my sister like this all her life?"

Chi Zhan choked, turned around and wiped his face.

Gu Jun ordered Gu Chi: "bring those three people here."

Gu Chi takes orders.

Soon, three men who had been in the corner of the wheel were brought into the basement.

Because thinking about the place that might be useful for them, they are still alive, but after being locked up for such a long time, they are all skinny and depressed.

Gu Jun ordered Gu Chi to say a few words. Gu Chi nodded, went to the three people and said something in their ears.

Gu Chi's voice is very small. Ye Xingbei doesn't hear anything.

She looked at Gu Jun one by one, and thought that this should be Gu Jun Zhu's special instruction to Gu Chi, for fear that Chi Zhan would not be able to bear it.

This man looks very proud on the surface, but in fact, he is very soft and considerate, especially for the people who care about him.

I don't know what Gu Chi said to the three men. The three men looked desperate and angry.

Three people looked at each other, fiercely issued a roar, toward Chi Qing rushed to the past.

Chi Qing is thrown under him by them.

Gu Sha has retreated.

In the dark corner of the basement, there are only Chi Qing and the three men.

Three men will Chi Qing pressure in the body, tear Chi Qing clothes on the body.

Gu Chi with Gu's bodyguards and Chi's bodyguards are back out, Gu Jun by and Chi Zhan back.

Chi Yu just as if masochistic eyes open to the largest, staring at Chi Qing.

Chi Qing's coat is torn open, and one of the men's mouths is stuck on Chi Qing's neck.

The other two men's hands are touching Chi Qing's body, and they are still saying something unclean.

Chi Yu's eyes are red and his fists are clenched. His straight and tight body is like a javelin that will break at any time.

Chi Qing still has no response.

Chi Yu and so on almost despair, in the heart of 110000 times cry out, no cure, no cure, he wants to take his sister home!

How about being silly all his life? He can keep his sister all his life

A man began to tear Chi Qing's trousers.

Chi Yu can't help it any longer. He roars violently. When he is about to rush past, Chi Qing, who seems to have no reaction like wood, suddenly utters a cry from his throat, and then struggles desperately. , the fastest update of the webnovel!