You Are My Rare Passion

Chapter 704

"Well, the feeling of passing his life," Gu Junzhu said, "when I got the news of his death, I couldn't accept it. I lost control of my mood and made a mistake. I was locked up for three days and three nights without food or drink."

For three days and three nights, he didn't eat or drink, and he didn't know how he got through it.

When they get out of the confinement room, no one in their team ever mentions Duan Yanbing.

People like them, that's it.

Duan Yanbing is not "so good," Gu Jun rubbed her head: "you are so attractive, only snow and rain I don't trust, send you unfamiliar bodyguards you don't want, just you and Yanbing are familiar, Yanbing not only skill, scheming, everything is not bad, with him by your side, I'm at ease."

"Do you really want him to be my bodyguard?" Ye Xingbei looked up at him: "are you willing?"

"What's the point? You wouldn't abuse him? " Gu Jun chuckled and pinched the tip of her nose. "Ye Xiaobei, you think, no matter what work the state arranges for him, he must do his best, right? With his skill and mind, the state will not arrange too easy work for him. With all his skills, the state will always try to make him glow. Do you think it's easy to be a bodyguard for you? "

"You are so soft hearted and have a good relationship with him. It's said that you are a bodyguard, but you are not like a friend? Food, clothing, living and playing, which one would you treat him badly? "

"He is right. People who come back from undercover do have a lot of psychological problems. Following you, you can relax and enjoy life freely. You don't have to bear the responsibility related to national interests. It's very suitable for his present state."

"It's like Yanbing took advantage of me to let a man who got the medal of extraordinary merit be my bodyguard," Ye Xingbei said with a finger poking his chest. "I found that he was Keng dad and you were Keng's subordinates. Are you sure Yanbing is your favorite subordinate?"

"I'm sure," Gu Junzhu held her finger and bit it gently. "Yanbing is not only my former subordinate, but also my confidant. When we fight side by side, our hearts are interlinked. Many times, we can understand each other's meaning with just one look. That kind of feeling is very wonderful and worth recalling for a lifetime."

"I understand, mountains and rivers! But... " Ye Xingbei took his finger out of his hand and continued to poke him in the chest, laughing unkindly: "it sounds like describing your little love | rener...."

“…… Ye Xiaobei, I don't think you can handle it! " Gu Jun turns over and presses her under his body.

Ye Xingbei couldn't breathe with a smile. He pushed and begged for mercy: "I'm wrong. I'm wrong. It's not Xiaoqing. It's Boya and Ziqi. I understand. I really understand..." , the fastest update of the webnovel!