You Are My Rare Passion

Chapter 703

Thinking of the possibility that misheng will be Gu Junzhu's nephew and daughter-in-law in the future, ye Xingbei is warm and kind to misheng.

Of course, she did not ignore situ Jinse.

Situ Jinse is also a beautiful and pleasant girl.

She and misheng are totally different types.

Misheng is a charming type. She looks charming, hot and enchanting. She has a thin waist and can be grasped by hand. Her chest and buttocks are very upturned. Her seaweed like curly hair is scattered on her shoulders, which adds to her spirit like charm.

Situ Jinse is a beautiful lady. Her long dark hair is tied in a bun with a hairpin. She has big eyes, long eyelashes and a sharp chin. She looks fresh and elegant, like a magnolia carved from white jade. She is out of the world.

The most important thing is that both of them are very cultured and knowledgeable, and they are very comfortable to get along with each other.

Things have been bought back, ye Xingbei no longer refuse, but very happy and two people together to open the gift, and then put the gift away.

They bought some toys for xiaoshumiaoer and Lingyue.

Although there are too many toys for a room, just as girls are interested in new clothes no matter how many clothes they have, children will still be attracted by new toys no matter how many toys they have.

After xiaoshumiao and Lingyue thank misheng and situ Jinse, they take the new gift and go to play.

Ye Xingbei talks with misheng and situ Jinse for a while. Qiao Zui can't help but fool misheng and situ Jinse out.

Before leaving, Qiao Zui called Fang Yao.

Ye Xingbei can see that Qiao Zui's purpose of calling Yao is to let Fang Yao accompany situ Jinse, so that he can be alone with misheng.

Some time ago, Xiao Qiao, who was still clamoring not to get married all his life, met misheng and felt like an old house on fire.

Fortunately, misheng also has feelings for him.

Love is the most beautiful love.

Xiao Qiao is very lucky.

The guests at home are busy, and ye Xingbei can finally be relieved.

She went to see raino again. After making sure that raino was ok, she went back to her room and took a bath. She put on her pajamas and was ready to have a rest.

Although beating people is very enjoyable, it's also a hard work. She is so tired that her wrist is still sour until now.

As soon as she lay down and closed her eyes, Gu Junzhu opened the door and came in.

She opened her eyes and warned, "don't touch me, I want to sleep!"

Gu Jun chuckles and lies down beside her, grabs her in his arms and pinches her ears. "Ye Xiaobei, what's your attitude, eh? If I didn't arrive in time today, you would be a murderer now. I prevented a murder. Aren't you going to repay me? "

Ye Xingbei stares at him: "I warn you, I'm really tired now. I'm not joking with you. You dare to make trouble with me again. I'm really upset with you this time!"

Gu Junzhu looked at her round eyes and couldn't help laughing. He bowed his head to kiss her pink lips and pinched her chin. "OK, let you sleep. Who makes me love my wife?"

He took the person into his arms, bowed his head to kiss her eyebrows, and really didn't touch her any more.

His arms are warm and comfortable, giving people a strong sense of security. Ye Xingbei can't help but nestle up in his arms again. With his eyes closed, he asked him in a soft voice: "you have a good relationship with Yanbing?" , the fastest update of the webnovel!