You Are My Rare Passion

Chapter 7031

Sheng Xike held Sheng Yuanxi. He didn't know whether it was more heartache or more happiness.

No matter what happened in the past, his regret is still alive, which is the best news!

No matter what happened before, in the future, he will take good care of her and never let her get hurt at all.

"Eldest brother, where's the second brother?" Sheng Yuanxi asked blankly, "doctor Yue said I disappeared with the second brother. I'm back. Where's the second brother?"

Sheng Xike hugged her arm tightly and said in a dumb voice, "I don't know yet... But don't worry, I'm already checking. As long as Yunwen is still alive, I'll find her back."

"How could this happen?" Sheng Yuan choked in his voice. "Who did we offend? Why kidnapped us? Why sent me back instead of my second brother?"

Rather than knowing the truth, she hopes her second brother can live safely.

Why did she come back? Her second brother didn't come back?

Is it



Since she is still alive, her second brother must be alive!

She just woke up and was still very weak. Because of her emotional excitement, she fainted again.

Sheng Xike was shocked: "cherish!"

"It's all right," Yue ya'er said. "Her body is too weak and her nutrition is not - good. She can take care of herself for a while."

Sheng Xike carefully put Sheng Yuanxi on the bed, trembling with hate.

Poor nutrition - good!

In today's era when most of them can eat, the eldest daughter of their Sheng family is seriously malnourished.

Kidnap the person who cherishes her. What deep hatred do you have with her? Why do you abuse her like this?

He wiped his face, tried to calm his mood, and nodded his thanks to Yue Yaer, "thank you, doctor Yue. You've worked hard during this time!"

Yue ya'er smiled: "I should."

"What should I do next?" Sheng Xike asked.

"Physically, since she has woken up, she is not in danger of becoming a vegetable. As long as she strengthens nutrition and takes good care of herself, she will gradually recover her health. The hidden danger is here." Yue Yaer raised her hand and lit her temple.

Sheng Xike frowned, "you mean, cherish the memory?"

"Yes," Yue ya'er nodded. "I don't have any research in this area. I only know some fur. Now no one can tell why she lost her memory. No one knows what she experienced in the three years she disappeared, but I heard that some amnesia, especially the memory that only lost for a certain period of time, is due to a protective function of the body itself..."

Sheng Xike clenched his fist: "Dr. Yue means that in the past three years, pity was too painful and unbearable, so it triggered the body's self-protection function and led to pity's amnesia?"

"It's possible," Yue Yaer said. "Another possibility is that Qingrun said that the sequelae or hypnosis after the electric shock caused her to lose her memory of those three years, but no matter what the reason, those three years must not be a good memory for her. Send someone to guard her 24 hours."

Sheng Xike heard her unfinished words.

Yue ya'er's implication is that he is afraid that Sheng Yuanxi has suddenly restored his memory of those three years. He can't accept it and has a problem.

He nodded solemnly, "OK, I will!"

Lost and recovered, he can no longer afford a slightest accident.

He will let people protect him for 24 hours and never let her suffer any harm again!, the fastest update of the webnovel!