You Are My Rare Passion

Chapter 7026

Gu Junzhu gently tapped the fence on the crib with his fingers, "are you in the hospital?"

"Yes," said Sheng Xicheng, "I'm waiting for Qingrun and Yue Yaer outside the hospital. They haven't arrived yet."

"OK, I see," Gu Junzhu said. "I'll go and have a look."

He is very interested in it.

The layout of that year can deceive Sheng Xike and Sheng's family, which shows that it was a very huge force that planned this matter.

They must have ingenious design and foolproof layout to make Sheng Xike and Sheng's family believe that Sheng Yuanxi and Sheng Yunwen died in the explosion.

So, what is the purpose of the person behind the whole event?

Since Sheng Yuanxi had been replaced by a dead body in that year, so that Sheng Yuanxi disappeared in the world, why did they let Sheng Yuanxi come back?

"Brother five, you don't have to come," said Sheng Xicheng. "It's enough for Qingrun and Yue Yaer to come. You're not a doctor. Even if you come, you can't help."

Sheng Xicheng thinks his fifth brother is too loyal. He knows he can't help. He wants to come and have a look.

"Although I'm not a doctor, I'm proficient in solving cases," Gu Jun said slightly. "Don't you want to know where Sheng Yuanxi has gone in the past three years?"

Sheng Xicheng: "... Want to know!"

Crazy to know!

"Brother five, come here! I'll send you my location." Sheng Xicheng changed his words in an instant.

Gu Jun smiles and hangs up his cell phone.

Ye Xingbei asked, "are you going to the hospital?"

"Yes," Gu Junzhu said, "go and see if there's anything you can help."

The ease and tranquility of life is a kind of happiness.

But life is too comfortable. I always feel a lack of excitement.

In peacetime, he has become an ordinary person again. It's too difficult to encounter something exciting.

He can't get a glider for excitement like Joe.

It's rare that a seemingly exciting thing happened to the people around him. He must go and help them!

I just hope that the IQ of the people behind the scenes can be higher and deeper. Don't be dug out by him easily. There is no challenge at all.

Ye Xingbei: "


How does she feel that the fifth master of their family is obviously in a state of watching the excitement without too much trouble?

"Don't go," Gu Jun pinched her face one by one. "There are many germs in the hospital. It's not good to upload them to the children."

"I don't want to go either," said Ye Xingbei jiaochen. "If you go, you won't be afraid to catch germs and pass them back to your children?"

"I'll take a bath and disinfect when I come back," Gu Jun kissed her one by one. "I'm sure I'll clean myself up and see you and the children again!"

"OK, OK, I see!" when ye Xingbei saw that he was interested in the Sheng family, he looked quite excited. He was reluctant to spoil his fun. He cooperated and said, "go! Do whatever you want, and just pay attention to safety!"

"Do whatever you want?" Gu Jun picked his eyebrows one by one. "Is it OK to have fun?"

"..." Ye Xingbei narrowed his eyes dangerously: "you're looking for stimulation, aren't you?"

Gu Jun smiled one by one, hugged her and kissed her. His voice was gentle and sexy. "What I said about fun is to help Sheng family catch the ghost behind the scenes. For me, exploring the unknown is fun. What do you think I said about fun?", the fastest update of the webnovel!