You Are My Rare Passion

Chapter 7032

Yue ya'er said that Sheng Yuanxi had to sleep for a while to wake up.

Sheng Xike accompanied Sheng Yuanxi for a moment and left the room.

He still has a lot to do.

Standing in the corridor, he called the people he sent to inquire about the progress.

He sent out all the people he could, and hired many top private detectives in the industry to help him investigate the kidnapping and ticket tearing incident three years ago.

He hasn't finished calling. Just after a call and ready to dial the next call, his cell phone rings.

Gu Junzhu called.

He immediately connected his cell phone and put it in his ear: "brother five?"

"Do you have time?" Gu Junzhu said, "Xiao Qi found something. If you have time, come to my office and have an interview."

Sheng Xike immediately said, "I'll be there soon."

After a brief chat, Sheng Xike hung up his cell phone and drove to Gu's building.

Come to the president's office, knock on the door and go in, "brother five."

"Sit down," Gu Jun asked him to sit down one by one and pushed him a stack of information: "this is Xiao Qi's fax."

Sheng Xike's heart beat faster. He couldn't wait to pick up the information pushed by Gu Jun one by one and read a few pages. The look on his face was more and more shocked.

After reading it all, the information fell powerlessly from his hands on the table, and he couldn't return to God.

Gu Junzhu understood him very well and pushed the coffee sent by Gu Chi in front of him.

He seemed to have lost his soul. All by instinct, he picked up the coffee and poured down the whole cup of coffee in one breath.

The bitter taste filled his mouth, and he finally came back.

He raised his eyes and looked at Gu Junzhu. His voice was hoarse: "brother five..."

Gu Jun sighed: "don't be too sad."

Sheng Xike's eyes are red.

Don't be too sad?

How is that possible?

How can you not be sad?

That's his brother!

From a very young age, his father took Sheng Yunwen home.

Although Sheng Yunwen was not born to his parents, his parents devoted no less effort to Sheng Yunwen than he did.

His parents treat Sheng Yunwen as their own son.

How can Sheng Yunwen betray his parents and the Sheng family?

How could he?

He covered his face and couldn't accept the cruel reality.

About the disappearance of Sheng Yunwen and Sheng Yuanxi, he guessed countless possibilities, but those countless possibilities did not include the current fact.

Sheng Yuanxi was robbed by Sheng Yunwen.

The kidnapping and bombing were directed and performed by Sheng Yunwen.

Sheng Yunwen is still alive, but he is no longer Sheng Yunwen.

Gu Jun kept silent for a long time and pushed him a business card: "this is Sheng Yunwen's current contact information. He is now in the capital. It is estimated that he came back with Sheng Yuanxi."

Sheng Xike took a deep breath, raised his head and took the business card, "thank you, brother five!"

"My brother, I should," Gu Junzhu said. "If you need anything, please feel free to contact me."

"I will!" Sheng Xike took the business card and the stack of materials and floated out of Gu Junzhu's office like a wandering soul.

Back in the car, he didn't let the driver in, locked the door and dialed the mobile phone number on his business card.

The phone was connected and the other party gave a "hello".

Just a short sound, Sheng Xike couldn't tell if it was Sheng Yunwen's voice.

But he believed that Gu Junzhu would not be wrong.

Gu Wuye of Duozhi near demon said, this is Sheng Yunwen's new mobile phone number, this is Sheng Yunwen's new mobile phone number!

He took a deep breath and tried to calm his voice: "Sheng Yunwen, this is Sheng Xike. Where are you now? Let's meet.", the fastest update of the webnovel!