You Are My Rare Passion

Chapter 7005

"No," Cheng Fengsu said faintly, "I'll let them know when I have time."

Xie Yunlin: "

Silence for the original family.

However, the road under everyone's feet is out by themselves.

The relationship between the original family and Cheng Fengsu is so poor that it is all made by the original family.

Cheng Fengsu is lucky to have today.

If she had bad luck, she would have died.

It is not easy for Cheng Fengsu and his family to maintain apparent peace.

Cheng Fengsu's brothers are all right. Her mother is mentally ill, and her father's brain is not very clear.

It's cheaper for him.

If Cheng Fengsu has a good relationship with her parents and brother, if he wants to marry Cheng Fengsu, he must pass five passes and kill five generals, and be observed and tested by the original family.

Now, those people are not qualified.

That's why Cheng Fengsu was wronged.

Obviously his wife is so good, but no one loves her sincerely.

On such a thought, he was so distressed that he held Cheng Fengsu in his arms and kissed again and again.

Cheng Fengsu knew what he was thinking. He teased him and kissed him back: "don't think nonsense! My grandfather has given me the most precious feelings in the world. I have everything. I'm not a lack of love. My world is never barren. I don't want the feelings of my original family."

Xie Yunlin nodded.

These, he knows.

Cheng Fengsu is excellent. She is a genius. She is very precious. Therefore, she is the treasure held by the state in the palm of her hand. Many people turn around her alone. Even now, there are several people hiding in the dark to protect her.

She is the treasure of many people. She doesn't lack love, but it doesn't prevent him from loving her.

He just loves her.

Distressed, she has no relatives, clearly has a family, but she can't be close.

He just hoped that people all over the world would treat her well and hold her in the palm of their hand.

Being held in his arms, Cheng Fengsu can feel his sincere feelings and his warm heart of a child.

She nestled in Xie Yunlin's arms, never having had the stability and tranquility in her heart.

She has a husband.

From today on, she is no longer alone.

She has a husband, a person who is closely related to her, shares weal and woe, completely belongs to her and has the closest relationship with her!

She put her hands around Xie Yunlin's waist and couldn't help looking up at him: "say, who is the most important person in the world?"

Xie Yunlin did not hesitate: "you!"

Cheng Fengsu curved his eyebrows and smiled, "what about Beibei and your brother?"

"There are Gu Junzhu and her sons in the north, and Xiaofei will have his wife and children in the future," Xie Yunlin looked into her eyes and seriously replied, "and we, the most important thing is each other."

Cheng Fengsu smiled sweetly, didn't say anything more, and clung to him: "I'll be good to Beibei and Xiaofei in the future."

Xie Yunlin nodded heavily: "I believe."

"Good!" Cheng Fengsu smiled, kissed him and patted him, "we should go."

Their car has been parked here for a long time.

Xie Yunlin nodded, started the car and asked, "where do you want to go?"

Cheng Fengsu thought for a moment and said, "go carve time."

She shook her marriage certificate. "Go show it."

Xie Yunlin laughed.

Of course, he was happy to see that his wife had a good relationship with his sister and immediately drove to the carving time.

Half an hour later, ye Xingbei looked at the marriage certificate in his hand with great interest and sighed with satisfaction: "it's good! You two have finally achieved positive results! It's too hard! You're all anxious to death!", the fastest update of the webnovel!