You Are My Rare Passion

Chapter 7004

"What do you think? The frown is so tight?" Cheng Fengsu raised his hand and smoothed his frown.

"What if you are bullied?" Xie Yunlin said seriously, "your identity should be kept secret. Others don't know how precious you are. What if you really ridicule you as a sparrow into a phoenix?"

Looking at his serious appearance, Cheng Fengsu couldn't smile. "Why? Are you afraid someone can bully me? Don't worry..."

She sighed: "the person who can bully me has not been born yet!"

Xie Yunlin: "


How could he forget that his wife would never be wronged.

Good eloquence, better skill.

If anyone quarrels with her, she will be angry and hurt internally.

If you do it, it will be even worse. Trauma plus internal injury!

His wife's skill is easy. Even if he can't fight, the person who secretly protects his wife will never hurt her.

After thinking about this, he was reassured, but he still told him, "if anyone bullies you, no matter who it is, you don't have to bear it. Whether it's bright or dark, you should go back first."

Although he didn't say that Cheng Fengsu was going to do so, Xie Yunlin was so nervous about her that she was still very useful. She raised her face and kissed him, "don't worry, I'll take care of myself."

"By the way, I almost forgot a particularly important thing!" Xie Yunlin held her hand and said, "my grandfather asked someone to calculate the time for us. Next month's 16th is a good day. If you don't mind being too hasty, we..."

He looked at Cheng Fengsu expectantly.

It's reasonable for a family like them to set the wedding date on the 16th of next month. It's too hasty.

Generally, for families like them, the wedding should be prepared for at least three months and half a year.

But he was anxious to hold the wedding. His grandfather was more anxious than him.

There are three good days for him and Cheng Fengsu. One is the 16th of the next month, one is the 26th of three months, and the other is half a year later.

The nature of his work with Cheng Fengsu is not suitable for large-scale operations. He feels that one month's preparation is enough.

Of course, the main reason is that he thinks more than three months is too long.

He is confident that his men can prepare the wedding well in more than a month.

He hopes that Cheng Fengsu will be his bride in a month!

"Are you in a hurry for more than a month?" Cheng Fengsu said. "I think it will be perfect as long as two people love each other, even if the wedding is held the next second."

What's the wedding?

Isn't it that two people look into each other's eyes and say "I do"?

A month's preparation is more than enough.

If there are no conditions, two people can always look into each other's eyes hand in hand and say "yes, I do"!

She never cared.

As long as the other party is the one she is willing to marry, no matter what kind of wedding, she doesn't care.

"So it's settled?" Xie Yunlin's eyes glowed with surprise: "our wedding is scheduled for the 16th of next month?"

Cheng Fengsu nodded, "OK, that's it."

"Su Su, it's very kind of you!" Xie Yunlin was as happy as a child, hugged Cheng Fengsu and kissed hard.

Cheng Fengsu smiled and kissed him back.

The two were tired of it for a long time before they separated.

Xie Yunlin thought of another important thing: "the original home... Do you need to consult them?", the fastest update of the webnovel!