You Are My Rare Passion

Chapter 7006

Cheng Fengsu sat on the rocking chair, sipping the juice and shaking it slowly. The corners of her lips were slightly hooked and smiled at Xie Yunlin.

Xie Yunlin touched his nose: "yes, yes, it's all my fault. I'm not active in marrying a wife and have ideological problems, so I actively corrected it. No, I've got my marriage certificate, haven't I?"

Ye Xingbei: "... Brother, did you take the wrong medicine?"

Xie Yunlin: "...?"

"It's strange to talk," murmured Ye Xingbei. He looked at her curiously and suddenly realized: "Oh... I know. You finally turned sister Su Su into your hand. You're so happy!"

Xie Yunlin: "

Is this your sister?

Cheng Fengsu bit the straw of the juice and his smiling shoulder trembled.

Xie Yunlin was helpless: "you two!"

His wife and sister are in the same camp. Should he be happy?

But why is he a little unhappy?!

Ye Xingbei ignored him and gathered around Cheng Fengsu. He discussed the wedding dress, toast clothes, hair style and jewelry on the wedding day with Cheng Fengsu. He even discussed how many red envelopes to pack when welcoming the wedding!

Xie Yunlin: "

He doesn't seem to be very good at these topics

Forget it, he'd better play with his nephews.

The little fish and have been swimming for nearly four months. They are white and fat with delicate eyebrows and eyes. The baby for several months is beautiful and lovely. They are soft and cute. They lie in the stroller, shaking their little hands and feet, looking at the bell and balloon hanging next to their stroller.

He picked up the little fish and said, "honey, call me uncle! I'm your big uncle! Call me uncle!"

The little fish looked at him curiously with big black and white eyes, "poof" spit out a bubble.

A few seconds later, the bubble broke.

The little fish was stunned, his mouth turned away, and then turned away.

Xie Yunlin: "

Seeing that the situation was bad, he quickly asked for help: "Beibei!"

Just around Cheng Fengsu, ye Xingbei, who was discussing the details of the wedding with Cheng Fengsu, looked over and said, "hmm?"

At the same time, the little fish cried out "wow"!

Xie Yunlin: "... I didn't do anything! The little fish vomited a bubble, the bubble broke, and he cried."

He explained and hurriedly handed the little fish to Ye Xingbei.

Ye Xingbei: "

She thinks her big brother is really a little stupid today.

Silly, a little like her second brother!

She clapped the little fish and make complaints about it. "Why do I need to explain this?" I wonder if you mistreat your nephew.

Xie Yunlin: "

He wiped his face.

Isn't today his big day?

How does it feel that nothing is right?

Cheng Fengsu looked at him with a helpless face and was overjoyed.

Because of work, she and Xie Yunlin also have contact at work.

Xie Yunlin at work always has a cold face, cold and serious, and his six relatives don't recognize him.

But as soon as he met her or Ye Xingbei, the most expression on his face was helplessness.

She likes to see him helpless.

Because his helpless appearance represents a kind of connivance.

In the past, this connivance was only directed at his brother and sister. Later, she was one more person who was lucky to enjoy this connivance.

She especially likes to see this serious and almost cold man at work, showing a spoiled and helpless expression to her.

At this moment, he had a bit more soft fireworks than his usual handsome.

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