You Are My Rare Passion

Chapter 7003

His chest surged with a turbulent warm current, excited and warm.

He's married!

He has a lover!

There's a home!

He couldn't restrain the surging emotion in his heart. He suddenly leaned over his body and kissed Cheng Fengsu's lips: "wife, please give me more advice for the rest of his life!"

Cheng Fengsu giggled, kissed him back, joked and said, "it's not easy. You've been humorous for so long."

Xie Yunlin: "

Is he so boring?

So what exactly does his wife like about him?

Why is he still so sad after receiving the certificate?!

Looking at his speechless face, Cheng Fengsu smiled and touched his face. "Good boy, you're not funny and humorous. I like you too. I only like you!"

Xie Yunlin: "

Now he knows why some men who have no money but are glib can cheat several girls at the same time. It's really beautiful!

But what should be asked is still to be asked.

"Su Su..." he took Cheng Fengsu's hand, looked at her and asked, "I haven't asked you. Why do you like me?"

You'd better list his advantages one, two, three, four and five and give him a little self-confidence!

"Because you are Beibei's brother!" Cheng Fengsu replied without hesitation.

Xie Yunlin: "

Cheng Fengsu couldn't help laughing. "Tease you! Because you look good."

Xie Yunlin: "

I don't think this answer is much better than "because you are Beibei's brother"!

"Well, I won't tease you!" Cheng Fengsu leaned over, hugged his neck, kissed him, smiled at him, and said softly, "because you make me feel comfortable, trust and like, I know many men, but you are the most pleasing to the eye, just like my heart, everywhere!"

Xie Yunlin held her back.

This answer is more sincere

"Me too..." he bowed his head and kissed Cheng Fengsu. "You are better than I thought... So good that I can't figure out how I deserve such a good you?"

"Wow," Cheng Fengsu pretended to be surprised and opened her eyes. "Aren't you? You're the eldest young master of the Xie family and the grandson of the Xie old. Do you have an inferiority complex? How can you let others live? I'm the one who should have an inferiority complex? In other people's eyes, I'm the one who climbed up to you!"

This is the truth.

Xie Yunlin not only has an unlimited future, but also the grandson of Xie and the eldest brother of the helm of Xie group.

Obviously, Xie Yunlin does not participate in the operation of Xie group, but all people familiar with him know that Xie group was handed over to his brother Xie Jinfei after he developed. He is one of the speakers of Xie group.

Several important identities in one, tall and handsome, elegant and noble xuanlang. Xie Yunlin is one of the "men who want to marry most" of the rich women in the capital.

In the eyes of outsiders, she is just a university teacher. Although her background is good, her original family can't compare with Xie Jiagen. Moreover, she has cut off her relationship with her original family.

In the eyes of others, she is a Cinderella married to a rich family.

The news spread. I don't know how many people envy, envy and hate her. How many people feel aggrieved about Xie Dashao. They think Xie Dashao was cheated by her fox. People who love beauty don't love rivers and mountains. They married a woman who is not in the same household as him and is not helpful to his career.

"What nonsense?" Xie Yunlin hugged her. "Others don't know how precious you are. Don't I know?"

But what his wife just said is also a problem.

His wife's identity cannot be made public. In the eyes of outsiders, his wife is a Cinderella married to a rich family. What if someone despises his wife and bullies his wife?!, the fastest update of the webnovel!