You Are My Rare Passion

Chapter 7002

He is the eldest brother at home!

When he was angry, his brother saw him like a mouse sees a cat.

In the unit, he is also the boss.

Of course, not the boss of the whole unit. His unit is too big. He hasn't reached that level yet.

But he is the head of his department. He is the same. Everyone listens to his arrangement.

But as soon as he arrived in front of his future wife, he was lack of confidence and inexplicably guilty.

The key... His future wife didn't do anything.

Although Mr. Cheng doesn't match the word "gentle", he never plays a small temper and doesn't make trouble without reason. On the contrary, he is broad-minded, considerate, humorous, not sticky, not picky, not lose his temper for no reason, not perfect, but also ten.

So... What is he guilty of?

He stared at Cheng Fengsu and couldn't understand it.

Cheng Fengsu stretched out his white palm and shook it in front of his eyes, "what are you thinking? So distracted?"

Xie Yunlin: "

He can't say, I wonder why I'm afraid of you?

What a shame!

He coughed, "I'm thinking... There's no need to choose a date for marriage registration. Shall we go and register?"

"OK," Cheng Fengsu said, "but you and I have to register. Do you need the approval of the superior? Have you written your application?"

Xie Yunlin: "... Write now?"

Cheng Fengsu nodded, "OK, but it will take a long time to approve it?"

Xie Yunlin: "

How sad!

So why didn't he be more active and write the application earlier?

I didn't feel anything before. When it comes to the wedding today, I'm suddenly very anxious. I wish I could marry Cheng Fengsu home the next second!

"You also need to write?" he asked Cheng Fengsu.

"Yes," Cheng Fengsu smiled and touched his face. "It's convenient to find you. Otherwise, if you find someone who can't hit by eight poles, the eight generations of ancestors have to check it. Your eight generations of ancestors have already checked it. We'll save energy for the organization."

Xie Yunlin: "

Although it makes sense, he just doesn't know what to say. What to do?

Cheng Fengsu sat up and held his hand. "Let's go and write the application."

The two went to Cheng Fengsu's study, wrote their applications, and then met with the leaders to submit their applications.

The leaders of the two people knew they were a couple for a long time. They were not surprised and blessed them with a smile.

I don't know whether it was in the face of Mr. Xie or because he had already understood and prepared for their relationship. The application for approval was faster than they thought. After Xie Yunlin got the approval, he immediately took the required certificates and took Cheng Fengsu to the Civil Affairs Bureau.

Half an hour later, the two got the small red book.

Back in the car, Xie Yunlin couldn't help but open the small book and have a look.

The photo is not big, but the red background is festive.

He leaned against Cheng Fengsu's head, and both of them had bright and sweet smiles on their faces.

On weekdays, Cheng Fengsu's smile is always lazy. His lazy smile is a little uninhibited and free, and a little indifferent.

But today, her smile is warm and sweet. The girl who looked chivalrous in the past is gentle and elegant, but the same beauty makes people unable to move away.

He looked at the marriage certificate in his hand for a long time, but he felt heavy., the fastest update of the webnovel!