You Are My Rare Passion

Chapter 7001

"I know," Cheng Fengsu changed a more comfortable position, lay in his arms, looked up at him and smiled, "do you know what made me decide to be with you?"

Xie Yunlin asked, "what?"

"Because of a dream..." Cheng Fengsu smiled at him: "before I decided to be with you, I had a dream. In the dream, the two of us ran in front and a sea of fire chased us. You always ran side by side with me. Because it was a dream, I know you didn't want to run away alone in the dream. You will always accompany me..."

Xie Yunlin asked unexpectedly, "just because of a dream, did you decide to be with me?"

"Yes," Cheng Fengsu nodded, "don't underestimate this dream. Although it's just a dream, do you know what it represents?"

Xie Yunlin asked, "what does it represent?"

"It means I trust you," Cheng Fengsu smiled at him. "It means I believe in your character and that you are a good man with a conscience, not a scum man, which is very important!"

Xie Yunlin: "... It's really important... But how are you sure I'm a good man with a conscience?"

Some people say that time is the touchstone.

Others say that real gold should be refined with fire.

You must go through some major events, even life and death events, to know whether the people around you are people or ghosts, whether you can share wealthier and nobler, or whether you can share wealthier and nobler or wealthier and nobler.

After he and Cheng Fengsu were together, he went with the wind and water and didn't experience any great events.

How is Cheng Fengsu sure that he is a good man?

He's curious!

"I don't know," Cheng Fengsu shook his head. "It's just some feelings when we get along at ordinary times. Don't people often say that we see what we know? In the daytime, when we are awake, we are too awake, but it's easier to think. I believe my thoughts in the dream are my purest thoughts. In the dream, I think you are a good man worthy of trust. I believe my feelings in the dream."

"So, I have to thank you for that dream!" Xie Yunlin took her hand and kissed her on her lips. "If you don't have that dream, I don't know how long it will take to chase you to hold the beauty back."

"You?" Cheng Fengsu sneered and flicked him on the cheek. "I don't despise you. Fortunately, I'm enlightened myself. Otherwise, with your wood, it will take a long time to catch up with me!... Oh, and you should remember to thank Beibei. If it's not because of Beibei, ghosts will reason with you!"

Xie Yunlin: "

He was sad: "am I not so bad?"

Cheng Fengsu raised her eyebrows and handed her hand with a ring to him. "Hmm?"

Xie Yunlin: "


He's terrible!

The past cannot be traced back. We must work hard in the future.


"Su Su, when do you think our wedding is scheduled?" he actively asked his future wife's opinions.

"Whatever." Cheng Fengsu didn't care: "if you're not in a hurry, you can wait another three or two years!"

Xie Yunlin: "

He said for a long time, "I'll go back and ask my grandpa if there are good days in the last two or three months... If you don't mind, we'll fix it in these two months, the sooner the better."

Cheng Fengsu was still indifferent: "it's up to you."

Xie Yunlin: "

Is this good talk or dissatisfaction?

He always feels like a tiger with a king when he is with his future wife.

He's too hard!, the fastest update of the webnovel!