You Are My Rare Passion

Chapter 6992

He took his cell phone and walked out of the compartment.

As soon as he went out, his eyes looked forward to last season's Zhiyan.

His heart was dull and painful. He walked over with guilt and hugged Ji Zhiyan's shoulder, "I'm sorry..."

"Ruan Ruan still won't go home?" Ji Zhiyan's tears fell down. "Why? I'm good to Ruan Yang because we only have one daughter. I hope to have a brother to help her in the future. Why can't she understand us?"

"I know, I know..." Ruan Cheng comforted her. "Ruan Ruan is still young and capricious. When she becomes a mother herself, she will understand our mood."

"Will it?" Ji Zhiyan burst into tears. "What if she can't understand us all the time? She has a boyfriend. Later, she married someone and won't go home..."

She is a calm and strong woman. She hasn't been so frightened and fragile for a long time.

She lost her daughter.

The only daughter.

Perhaps as she gets older, her feelings become richer and more fragile than when she was young. Before, Ruan Dai relied on her. Now, she has become dependent on Ruan Dai.

She hopes that her only daughter can be with her and enjoy her lap.


Ruan Cheng could do nothing but pat her on the shoulder to comfort her: "we are still young and have time. We will treat Ruan Ruan Ruan well in the future, and Ruan Ruan will come back to us."

Ji Zhiyan shook her head and couldn't speak.

Treat your daughter well in the future?

Her daughter doesn't even go home. She doesn't have a chance to treat her daughter well.

The Ruan family is in a gloomy mood. The tan family next door has the same atmosphere as the Ruan family.

Tan Xun came back with a lost face.

His mind was full of Ruan daijiao leaning against Gu Qingrun and looking at Gu Qingrun. He was in a terrible mood.

He was in a terrible mood. As soon as he entered the door, his mother asked, "how are you and Ruan Dai? Have you settled yet?"

He was very upset: "what's the decision? I have nothing to do with Ruan Dai. What's the decision?"

"Why doesn't it have anything to do with it?" Tan's mother frowned. "Didn't you and Ruan Dai decide to have a baby kiss? They grew up together. Now you're not young, so it's time to decide."

"Mom, what's the matter with you?" Tan Xun looked strangely at his mother: "don't you like Ruan Dai? You say Ruan Dai's character is too arrogant and difficult to get along with. Don't you prefer Ruan Mei?"

"Yes," said Tan Mu li of course, "I like Ruan Mei's character better than Ruan Dai, but don't you like Ruan Dai better?"

Tan Xun looked at his mother for a moment. "Mom, I don't like Ruan Dai now."

"Why?" Tan's mother was stunned. She thought of something and was startled: "silly boy, don't tell me you like Ruan Mei!"

"Why? Can't you?" Tan Xun asked her, "Mom, don't you always say that Ruan Dai's character is too arrogant, too domineering and difficult to get along with. Ruan Mei is quiet, quiet, soft and obedient. Do girls have to be like Ruan Mei?"

"That's what I said, but I didn't make you like Ruan Mei!" Tan's mother said anxiously, "I mean, let you discipline Ruan Dai, let Ruan Dai learn from Ruan Mei and restrain her character. I didn't make you like Ruan Mei!"

"Why?" Tan Xun asked incomprehensibly, "Mom, since you prefer Ruan Mei's character, wouldn't it be good for me to choose Ruan Mei directly? Why do I have to change Ruan Dai? Rivers and mountains are easy to change, nature is difficult to change, and a person's character is not so easy to change.", the fastest update of the webnovel!