You Are My Rare Passion

Chapter 6991

At this moment, he suddenly realized that his daughter had grown up.

She was no longer the little girl who had to submit to his majesty.

She grew up and was free.

She could not listen to him or obey his orders.

And he can't do anything with her.

He was suddenly very flustered. His heart was up and down, empty and uncomfortable.

No matter how much he loves his nephew and niece, he can't go more than his only daughter.

He has such a daughter.

When his niece and nephew kiss again, only Ruan Dai is his own flesh and blood. His favorite is always his own daughter!

He always thought so, but obviously, Ruan Dai couldn't understand.

She kept saying, Dad, I love you, I love you very much, but he felt that he was not important in his daughter's heart.

Probably, if he doesn't take the initiative to find his daughter in the future, his daughter won't come to see him.

This thought made him feel very uncomfortable.

He knew that his daughter didn't like his brother's family to live in their house, but his brother was too incompetent and could make trouble. As a brother, he didn't put his brother's family under his nose. He was not at ease.

Moreover, he is so good that if he doesn't pull his brother, not only will he feel bad, but also his parents will have trouble sleeping and eating.

His own brother, born to a mother, has lived in a family for more than 20 years. After marriage, he still lives together, just like before marriage. He doesn't feel any inconvenience.

But his daughter always quarrels with Ruan Mei and cries to let his brother's family move out.

He thought his daughter was not sensible and educated her several times.

Later, his daughter stopped saying this.

He thought it would be good for children to be angry and educate them.

Later, his daughter stopped talking, and he didn't take it to heart.

Who knows, his daughter hasn't made trouble for many years. It's big when she makes trouble - she moved out directly.

He thought that his daughter would move back after suffering outside and knowing that life was not easy or comfortable at home.

But for so long, his daughter hasn't moved back.

And I'm afraid she won't move back in the future.

Because she found a man she loved.

Thinking of his daughter's admiration, trust, dependence and love for the man, his heart bubbled sour water.

His daughter has another man.

His daughter doesn't need him anymore

The idea jumped into his mind, and for a moment, his heart was like a knife.

He held his mobile phone and his voice shook fiercely: "Ruan Ruan, in the past, my father didn't think carefully enough and didn't consider your feelings. My father knew it was wrong. Ruan Ruan, you give my father another chance and let my father make good compensation for you, okay?"

Ruan Dai smiled, "Dad, I don't need you to compensate. I'm fine now. I hope you and your mother can be good. You don't always be busy with work. You should also take good care of your body. When I'm not busy, I'll go home to see you, okay?"

Although she has a 24-hour on call job and a lover who wants to stick together all the time, she is really busy, but she can always find time to visit her parents.

After all, she really loves her parents.

What else did Ruan Cheng want to say? Ruan Dai said first: "Dad, I have something else to do. I won't talk to you. Take good care of your health with mom. When I have time, I will go back to see you. I love you. Bye!"

Ruan Cheng just opened his mouth and hung up his cell phone.

He held the hung up mobile phone, his face was pale and stayed in place. His heart was like pressing a boulder and falling pain., the fastest update of the webnovel!