You Are My Rare Passion

Chapter 6993

Tan's mother was surprised. She seemed surprised why Tan Xun asked such a stupid question: "son, are you kidding? Ruan Mei is a girl from the countryside. She is poor and white. How can she deserve you? Don't tell your mother that you like Ruan Mei. Mom has a bad heart and can't stand stimulation."

Tan Xun looked at her with complicated eyes: "but, mom, didn't you say that Ruan Mei's character is the ideal character of your daughter-in-law?"

"Yes, that's what I said, but I didn't let you like Ruan Mei," Tan's mother explained patiently. "I mean, let you teach Ruan Dai, let Ruan Dai learn from Ruan Mei, be gentle, don't be like a hedgehog every day, catch who and stab who."

She thought her son was strange today. She took a few steps closer, frowned and reminded: "Son, don't be confused! Ruan Mei is up and down all over. The only merit is that she has a good character. Otherwise, she can't catch up with Ruan Dai on a horse! Son, don't you know? Ji Zhiyan has become the president! She is in the light of their old man, and a woman has been elected the president of the second hospital!"

Referring to Ji Zhiyan, her envy was mixed with a little jealousy: "She has become the president of the second hospital at her age. She will certainly be able to move to a higher position in the future. Don't underestimate the president of the hospital. Although she is not a big leader, people eat grains and grains. Who doesn't get sick? There is a mother-in-law who is the president. When others ask us in the future, it will be a lot of contacts if she manages well!"

"Mom..." Tan Xun looked at her strangely: "is that why you asked me if I had settled with Ruan Dai as soon as you saw me today?"

Tan's mother was stunned by his question and soon recovered, "son, mom knows you are tall and impatient to listen to me, but, son, tall can't be a meal!"

"It's best for the two families to match each other. This is the truth passed down from the old life. Before, Ji Zhiyan was only the vice president, but now she is the president. This one is the president and one pair, and her status has been opened up a lot."

"In the past, Ji Zhiyan was only the vice president, and the Ruan family and our family were worthy of each other. Now, Ji Zhiyan has been promoted to the main post, and the lintel of the Ruan family has risen with the tide. As long as Ruan Dai is willing, she can find a better one."

She told Tan Xun: "so, son, you can have a snack on Ruan Dai. You think it's almost ready, so decide on the marriage and don't make any changes!"

Ji Zhiyan was promoted. She was both happy and worried.

Happily, her future in laws have been promoted, and their Tan family can follow suit in the future.

The worry is that Ruan Dai's character is arrogant and domineering. Ji Zhiyan's promotion means that Ruan Dai's status has risen with the tide. Ruan Dai's character is afraid to be more difficult to get along with in the future.

She hopes that her daughter-in-law's family will have power and power in the future, so that they can take advantage of the tan family.

However, she really doesn't like Ruan Dai's character.

Ruan Dai's character is too strong, arrogant and willful. She doesn't give her much face before she marries her son. When Ruan Dai marries her son and enters the door of the tan family, is she in charge of the Ruan family or Ruan Dai in charge?

The most regrettable thing for her now is that Ruan Dai's character is too strong. Unlike Ruan Mei, she is gentle and docile. She will please her and coax her to be happy in front of her., the fastest update of the webnovel!