You Are My Rare Passion

Chapter 6990

"I'm sorry, Dad," Ruan Dai said softly. "The work agreement I signed must be on standby 24 hours a day. I can't move back."

Ruan Cheng said hard, "Ruan Ruan, didn't you say you love your parents?"

"Yes," replied Ruan Dai, "I love my parents very much!"

She does love her parents.

Although her parents' love for her was divided by others, she never doubted her parents' love for her.

She knows that her parents love her, so she also loves her parents.

She didn't lie.

But she loves Gu Qingrun more.

That's it.

Ruan Cheng said, "Ruan Ruan... Since you love your parents, why don't you move back? My parents hope you can move back."

"Dad," said Ruan Dai with a slight smile, "do you love me?"

"Of course!" Ruan Cheng quickly replied, "you are Dad's only daughter. How can dad not love you?"

"Yes, Dad," said Ruan Dai calmly, "you love me, but you often don't go home for a long time because of your busy work. Even if you go home, you have to make time to care about Ruan Mei and Ruan Yang. Even for my birthday, please take me to the playground. You have to take Ruan Mei and Ruan Yang together."

"You will yell at me and accuse me for Ruan Mei, but even so, I still believe that you love me. Therefore, Dad, although I can't move home because of my work, please believe that I love you!"

Ruan Cheng was tongue tied and could not speak for half a sound.

After a long time, he blushed and said, "Ruan Ruan, Meimei is your Meimei, Yang Yang is your brother, we are all a family, you..."

"I know!" Ruan Dai interrupted him with a smile: "Dad, I know the second uncle's family are all our relatives, so I agree with Dad that you take care of them and live with them! Why is my uncle so ignorant that he moved out? Dad, don't worry, I'll call my uncle later and let him move back to live, so you won't worry about him!"

Ruan Cheng choked again for a long time and couldn't speak.

After a long time, he pinched his eyebrows and said almost painfully, "Ruan Ruan, can we talk calmly? What do you think Dad did wrong? You directly tell Dad, don't... Talk to dad like this, okay?"

"Dad, I told you many times that I don't like the second uncle's family living in our house, but you said that my idea is too selfish. The second uncle is your own brother and you should take care of him," Ruan Dai said with a smile: "Dad, you're my dad. What you said must be right. I realized my mistake a long time ago, so you're right. I'm wrong. Now I support you! My second uncle can live in our house as long as he likes. I don't have any opinion."

Anyway, she won't go back to live in the future. Who loves who lives.

Even if you get a hundred and eighty strangers back to live, she doesn't mind!

"Ruan Ruan... I..." Ruan Cheng raised his hand and fell powerlessly. His mouth opened and closed. He couldn't find a retort.

What are you talking about?

His daughter said he was right, she was wrong, and she supported his decision.

He couldn't even accuse her of being ignorant.

She doesn't quarrel, doesn't cold war, and her mouth is full of dad. I love you, but she just won't go home.

A strong sense of powerlessness and loss rose in his heart., the fastest update of the webnovel!