You Are My Rare Passion

Chapter 6927

"No, it's really not!" the gentle and urgent voice refused, "you're still a child and don't make money yourself. If you come to see the teacher, the teacher will be very happy. Don't let your elders spend money!"

"There's nothing to spend," Qin Junye said. "It's just some supplements. They're not worth much. I hope the teacher can get better soon and go back to class for us."

Her gentle look stiffened, and her eyes were a little gloomy.

The doctor advised her to quit her job.

The doctor said that she was in poor health and needed more rest and less activity.

Although being a teacher is not a heavy physical activity, she works hard. Her physical condition is not suitable for being a teacher.

She's sad.

The teacher is already the easiest job she can find. For other jobs, she either gets up early and gets up late, or works harder than the teacher, and her body can't afford it.

The teacher is the most suitable job she can find.

The doctor advised her to quit her job.

However, if you don't work and have no income, what about eating and drinking?

She is weak and often ill. What about seeing a doctor and taking medicine?

In the past, her brother would give her parents living expenses every month and her parents would take care of her.

But since her sister-in-law became pregnant, she took control of her brother's salary card, and her brother no longer paid her parents.

Her mother has no pension, is not in good health, and takes medicine all year round. Her father's salary alone can't afford to support three of them.

She can only come out to work.

I didn't know that after working for more than half a year, my body couldn't bear it. I not only fell ill frequently, but also fainted in class yesterday, which startled the children.

She has been contacted by the school. Although she didn't say it clearly, she understood the meaning of the school.

The school is willing to compensate her for some severance pay and let her take the initiative to leave.

She knew that the school was afraid of her death in the school.

If she dies at school, if her family goes to make trouble at school, the school will lose a lot of money. It's not cost-effective.

So even if she doesn't resign, she can't go back to school.

She can't be a teacher for these lovely children anymore.

What a pity.

She couldn't help blushing her eyes.

She was afraid that Qin Jun would see it at night, lowered her eyes, smiled and said, "the teacher's health is not very good. I'm afraid I have to rest for a long time to work. I can't go back to class for you in a short time. The school will arrange new teachers for you. I believe the new teachers will teach you responsibly, and you will like your new teachers!"

"So?" Qin Junye was disappointed.

Of all the teachers, his favorite is the gentle teacher.

Gentle teacher is just like her name. She is not only beautiful, but also gentle and approachable. She is very gentle to them.

The voice of speaking is also nice. It's soft and soft. It's not anxious or impatient. I've never been anxious with them. Listening to her is like a light rain falling on the petals. It's very comfortable.

Gentleness is a good teacher, but I can't be a teacher for them in the future.

He was a little sad.

Ling Yue has taken xiaoshumiao'er to the door. Seeing Qin Junye still standing in front of tenderness, he turns back and calls him: "Xiaoye, don't affect the teacher's rest. We should go."

"Oh... Here we are," Qin Jun said softly, "teacher, have a good rest. We'll see you again in a few days. I...", the fastest update of the webnovel!