You Are My Rare Passion

Chapter 6926

But now, he has come and entered the ward. It's too late to say anything.

We can only stay as little as possible for a period of time, talk to the teacher and leave.

Gentle saw them come, happy and embarrassed: "you are still children. You shouldn't come to a place like the hospital. Go back quickly."

She likes the young trees very much. They are smart and sensible, and they have good feelings. They get together and make people feel warm and envious.

Although she is a teacher and should treat all students equally, she is also a person. As a person, she has her own subjective feelings, so she can't help liking likable children.

In the class, she likes small trees best. Several children are very smart. She can't help them in study, so she takes care of them more in life.

Although gentleness didn't specifically help xiaoshumiao, xiaoshumiao could feel warmth, love and kindness to them.

Several children are good children with a soft heart. If others treat them well, they will respond to each other's more kindness.

At the moment, seeing the gentle teacher who especially liked them lying on the bed with a pale face, even his lips were pale without blood color, especially weak, several children were very sad.

The little sapling asked, "teacher, when can you leave the hospital?"

If you can leave the hospital, you're well.

He hopes the teacher can leave the hospital soon.

"Soon," said with a gentle smile, "you can leave the hospital in two more days. Your heart is appreciated by the teacher. The environment in the hospital is bad. Go back quickly."

Ling Yue took the opportunity to say, "the teacher needs a rest, so we won't disturb the teacher. We'll see the teacher another day."

He put the nutrition in his hand at the head of the bed: "teacher, this is what my teacher's mother asked us to bring to you after consulting the doctor. It's all tonic for your body. It's very suitable for you. You remember to eat it. I wish you a speedy recovery!"

After saying that, he bent down gently, took the young tree and said, "teacher, we won't disturb you, you have more rest!"

The gentle man who was half lying in bed sat up quickly, and his anxious snow-white face was a little red: "when you came to see the teacher, the teacher was very happy. Why did you bring anything? You are still a child and have no income. The teacher can't accept your gifts. You take them back quickly!"

"Teacher, these things are suitable for you. If you take them back, others can't eat them. It's a waste!" Ling Yue hurried out holding xiaoshumiao's hand.

He doesn't care about those gifts. Those gifts were originally prepared for tenderness. He hopes tenderness will accept the gifts quickly. He will take xiaoshumiao away quickly, so that xiaoshumiao won't have to endure the bad smell in the ward.

The thick line Qin Junye wondered - what's the matter with their brother Yue today?

So much?

Still jumping in front!

In the past, he was responsible for such things.

Brother Yue doesn't like talking. Xiaoshumiao is young. Huo Zhongqi is a bookworm. Nie Yanjing is honest and kind and doesn't understand the art of speaking.

In the past, he was the one who needed to communicate.

But today, their brother Yue not only won the first place, but also talked a lot!

How strange!

However, what brother Yue said cannot represent his.

He wants to say it, too!

He said warmly to tenderness, "teacher, these supplements are especially suitable for you. They are the intention of us, our master and mother. You must accept them. If you don't accept them, we will be unhappy!", the fastest update of the webnovel!