You Are My Rare Passion

Chapter 6928

He wanted to say that there is a great doctor in our family. Let her help you another day, but when it came to his mouth, he swallowed it again.

Before he asked Yue ya'er's consent, he said unilaterally and gently that it was inappropriate for Yue ya'er to help gentle teacher see a doctor.

He should first discuss with Yue ya'er, and then ask Yue ya'er to help their teacher see if their teacher's body can be adjusted.

That's right!

So, when the words came to his mouth, he turned a corner: "let's go, teacher, have a good rest!"

He bent over gently, turned and walked out.

Gently and strongly support the body, get up and go down to the ground, and pick up the gift box on the ground.

Although she didn't know what was in the gift box, she knew that the things in the gift box must be valuable.

Her school is an aristocratic school, and most of the students are children of rich families.

Today, she came to visit her children. Although she didn't know their background and they never showed off their wealth, she could still see that their family background was among the best in her class and even in the whole school.

What they brought must be very expensive!

Several children, so young, have no income and spend all their parents' money. She really doesn't want to take these children's things.

She picked up the gift box and shouted Qin Junye in a hurry; "Qin Junye, take your things away. If you come to see the teacher, the teacher will be very happy. You are still a child. The teacher really can't take your things!"


Qin Junye stopped and looked back at her. She was trying to persuade her to take her things. A nurse hurried to the door with a stack of lists and shouted softly, "thirty two beds, why haven't your family paid the fee? If you don't pay the fee, you won't be able to lose your liquid today!"

Gentle and embarrassed, he quickly said, "my father has gone home to take care of my mother. He hasn't come yet. When my father comes, he'll pay it right away."

She was embarrassed and sad to be urged by the hospital in front of her students.

The hospitalization fee is too expensive. She eats and takes medicine every month. Her salary is basically moonlight. In this hospitalization, all the money on the card was transferred to the hospital account yesterday, but today's medicine fee is still not enough.

She has no money. Her father went home to take care of her mother. He hasn't come back and hasn't paid for her.

She was embarrassed and sad.

She is in her twenties. At the age of other people's children, she has made money to honor her parents, but she is still gnawing old.

Her parents were so old that they had to work hard for her. The family lived a tight life because of her. Her brother almost couldn't get a wife.

Sometimes she even wondered if it would be better for her to die.

If she dies, she doesn't have to drag down her parents and family.

The nurse saw this situation a lot. Looking at the expression on her face, she knew that she was shy in her bag and couldn't afford to pay the money. She sighed helplessly: "you hurry up and urge. If you can't pay the money today, you have to cut off the medicine. If you cut off the medicine, the treatment effect will be bad."

Gently nodded: "I know. My father will teach when he comes."

During the conversation, Ling Yue turned and walked into the ward and pulled Qin Junye out of the ward.

He dragged Qin Junye out of a distance, and then whispered, "you have to divide time and occasion to watch the excitement. Aren't you embarrassed to see the teacher? Why don't you get out and stand there?", the fastest update of the webnovel!