You Are My Rare Passion

Chapter 6922

For ye Xingbei and Yue Yaer, they are deeply moved and shed tears of gratitude.

They were grateful to Ye Xingbei and Yue Yaer, but they didn't have much friendship. Therefore, they didn't dare to delay Ye Xingbei and Yue Yaer too much time. They said a lot of thanks and left a gift.

Yue ya'er talked and laughed with Ye Xingbei for a moment and left to be busy.

Ye Xingbei took the children to bask in the sun in the yard.

In the evening, a few young trees came back.

Several children entered the door, changed their clothes after washing, and the first thing was to play with their brothers.

The yard is more lively.

Usually, several children play with their brothers, drink water, eat fruit, play for half an hour, have an elite class, and then have dinner.

Today, xiaoshumiao played with his brothers for a while, sat down next to Ye Xingbei and said to Ye Xingbei, "Mom, I have something to discuss with you."

"Hmm?" Ye Xingbei looked at him with a gentle smile: "what's up?"

"Mom, our math teacher passed out today," xiaoshumiao said sadly. "She passed out in class and was pulled away by an ambulance."

"Really?" Ye Xingbei frowned and asked, "is the teacher ill?"

"Yes," said xiaoshumiao, "other teachers said that our teacher was beaten. He was badly hurt and could hardly be saved. He picked up a life, but he was in bad health."

"Being beaten?" Ye Xingbei asked, "Why are you beaten?"

"I know! I know!" Qin Junye replied, "I heard other teachers gossip together. It seems that teacher Wen's brother was fighting with others. Our teacher rushed to save her brother and was almost killed. Since then, he has fallen into the root of the disease."

Ye Xingbei asked, "why did her brother fight with others?"

Qin Jun scratched his head at night, "I don't know..."

He paused and said, "but I know some other gossip!"

Ye Xingbei: "

Qin Junye is a child who loves gossip most in his family.

Gossip is really his biggest hobby, no one!

A good boy, and a child, actually loves gossip!

It goes well with his dream.

His dream is to become a big star in the entertainment industry when he grows up.

His hobby is eating melons.

The entertainment circle is the freshest place with the most melons.

When he grows up and enters the entertainment industry, he will be like a duck to water. He will eat melons every day and be happy and smiling!

"I heard the teachers in our school get together to gossip," Qin Junye said. "They scold Mr. Wen's brother. It's not a thing!"

"They said that teacher Wen broke his body in order to save her brother. At the beginning, teacher Wen's brother promised his parents to take care of teacher Wen all his life."

"But six months ago, Mr. Wen's brother married his wife. His wife wouldn't let him give Mr. Wen money, so Mr. Wen had to work."

"Teacher Wen's health is very poor and needs careful care. Although she is not very tired to be our teacher, teacher Wen's body still can't afford it, so she fainted when she gave us a lesson."

Ye Xingbei sighed: "every family has a difficult Sutra!"

What is human suffering?

That's it.

Some people say that the reason why people came to this world crying is because people know that they will suffer before they are born.

Compared with many people, she is really happy.

"Mom, I think Mr. Wen is very poor," xiaoshumiao asked. "Mom, we want to visit our teacher in the hospital tomorrow, can we?", the fastest update of the webnovel!