You Are My Rare Passion

Chapter 6921

Seeing her once pampered son bent down by huge debt, she was as tired as a dog every day, and her delicate face was stained with wind and frost, but she had no way at all.

At the beginning of Qin Dynasty, Ronghe Bai Ruo lived abroad for more than half a year before returning to China.

Qin's father and mother are still young. Because of Qin Churong's physical problems, they have not retired from the company. Qin Churong and Bai Ruo go abroad for a temporary residence, which has little impact on the company.

At first, they were almost crazy to know that their son was well.

Knowing that their son's illness was cured by their daughter-in-law's friends, if they were grateful, they had to give Bai Ruo a confession.

They are also very glad that Bai Ruo is a transparent girl and doesn't let her parents lie on the Qin family to suck blood.

Otherwise, with Bai ruo's kindness to help their son cure his illness, they don't know how long they have to endure the Bai family before they can get rid of the Bai family.

Bai rotong was sensible. They couldn't bear to be caught between the Qin family and the Bai family, so they suggested that their son and Bai rotong go abroad for a temporary stay.

Bai Ruo doesn't want to be entangled by her parents. She thinks it's a good idea to leave home and hide, out of sight and out of mind.

So she and Qin Churong went abroad for a temporary residence.

They lived abroad for more than half a year and came back because Bai Ruo was pregnant.

Qin's father and mother nearly shed tears when they learned that Bai Ruo was pregnant.

Heaven pity!

They thought that in this life, their son's illness was hopeless. Unexpectedly, the twists and turns, their son's illness was not only cured, but also became a normal person, and his daughter-in-law was pregnant!

The Qin family will have a third generation!

For a man, lameness is a small thing compared with not being able there.

After more than half a year of treatment, their son's legs are much better. As long as he walks slowly, his lameness is not as severe as before.

At first, after learning that their son was not only lame, but also lost that function, they felt that the sky had fallen.

After a long time of pain and suffering, they finally came through!

Not only are their sons getting better and better day by day, they are going to have grandchildren!

After suffering, I know sweet!

After experiencing despair, I can feel how valuable today's happiness is.

After learning that Bai Ruo was pregnant, she had a big reaction and vomited what she ate. Qin's mother was distressed and urged Qin Chu to melt with Bai Ruo and return home.

According to her, Bai Ruo is acclimatized abroad.

Although they have lived there for more than half a year, the pregnant girls are delicate. Even if they choose a livable city for their son and Bai Ruo, are they native capital people or their hometown more nurturing.

Qin Churong also missed home and returned to the capital with Bai Ruo.

After they returned to the capital, Qin's mother took good care of Bai Ruo.

Probably, as Qin's mother said, the water and soil in the capital are more nourishing. After living in the capital for more than half a month, Bai ruo's pregnancy reaction gradually disappeared.

Her pregnancy and vomiting were light, and it was OK for her to go out. She and Qin Churong chose a sunny day and came to the carving time again with expensive gifts. Thank Ye Xingbei and Yue yaer.

To exaggerate, ye Xingbei and Yue Yaer are their reborn parents.

If it weren't for them, their husband and wife still don't know how to suffer. They would never be so sweet and happy at such a moment., the fastest update of the webnovel!