You Are My Rare Passion

Chapter 6923

Ye Xingbei nodded: "of course!"

It is human nature for students to visit the teacher when he is ill.

She heard that many parents invite their children's teachers to dinner in order to let teachers take more care of their children.

She never invited, but she understood.

Every parent hopes that teachers can take care of their children more. As long as they can, parents always want to give their children the best.

Tomorrow is the weekend. The children go to the hospital to see their teachers. There is no problem at all.

"Need mom and dad to accompany you?" Ye Xingbei asked xiaoshumiao.

"No, mom," said xiaoshumiao, "Mom can take care of her brothers at home. There are many germs in the hospital and her mother's health is not very good. If you can't go to the hospital, don't go."

"Son, how are you so good?" Ye Xingbei was so warm that he took the little sapling into his arms for a while.

Her baby son is so warm. He is a very warm little man. He will take care of his mother like his father when he is so young.

When Gu Junzhu came back, ye Xingbei said what the little sapling said to Gu Junzhu again. He was angry at Gu Junzhu for a while, showing off her son's kindness.

Gu Junzhu listened carefully. After listening, he smiled and asked her, "little tree seedlings are very good, but do you have me?"

Ye Xingbei: "... You go away!"

She laughed angrily: "is that what your father asked?"

"Why not?" Gu Junzhu smiled and took her into his arms. "I'm giving you a preventive injection in advance to let you recognize the reality. No matter how good your son is, he will also be the husband of other women in the future. Only me will belong to you forever!"

Ye Xingbei: "

My heart's broken!

She raised such a warm and warm son. When she grew up, she didn't know who would be cheaper!


It seems a little wrong to think so

People in other people's homes are all raising daughters. They feel uncomfortable. They think that when their tender and white vegetables are raised, they will be cheaper than other people's pigs.

Her family is a son. What is she sad about?

She was taken away by Gu Wuye!

"Forget it, I won't talk to you," Ye Xingbei kissed Xiaoyou with his little hand. "My son is the best. I smile at me when I say anything!"

Originally, he grinned at Ye Xingbei with a toothless mouth. He was kissed by his mother and smiled more happily.

"Of course your son has to smile at you," Gu Jun grabbed the little fish's little hand and kissed him. "You have their milk bottles with you. Can they not laugh when they see you?"

"Go away!" Ye Xingbei jiaochen said, "as you say, if I don't have milk, they won't like me?"

"Like it! I like it without milk!" Gu Jun leaned over one by one and kissed her. "Who makes my wife beautiful? Everyone loves everyone and flowers bloom. How can our baby son not like such a beautiful mother?"

"You!" Ye Xingbei shook his head reluctantly: "recruit me for a while and coax me for a while. You're so boring!"

"It's fun," Gu Jun said with a smile, holding her shoulder one by one. "If I'm like a wood, I'll be happy if you say anything."

"Unhappy!" Ye Xingbei shook his head. "Today, I brush my mobile phone and see a news. My husband plays with his mobile phone when he gets home. His wife talks to him, but he doesn't lift his head. No matter what his wife says, he's just like you said. Uh huh, his wife threw his mobile phone angrily.", the fastest update of the webnovel!