You Are My Rare Passion

Chapter 6920

"He is no longer a useless man," Bai Mu shook her head and said, "Qin Churong said that his disease has been cured."

"Has his illness been cured?" Bai Yi's eyes widened and his face turned whiter. "Has he really been cured?"

Bai's mother nodded: "what he said is firm and resolute. There is no sense of guilt. It should be really cured."

"Qin Churong is ready?" Bai Yi's legs softened and stumbled down on the sofa.

Qin Churong is a loser and his biggest chip.

Like his parents, he thought he had the secret, and Qin Churong would let them want it.

If Qin Churong dared not obey, he would threaten Qin Churong and tell the secret.

He is also a man. He believes that no man is not afraid to expose such secrets.

Which man is willing to let others know that he is a eunuch?

But now, his mother told him that Qin Churong was cured.

He thought his chips had failed.

Qin Churong won't lend them any more money. What will he do in the future?

He owes so much money that if he doesn't pay it back, the bank will seal up their family's assets.

Their family will go bankrupt and he will have nothing!

"Mom, my sister and brother-in-law can't do this to us!" he was so scared that he turned pale and grabbed Bai's arm: "Mom, please ask my sister and brother-in-law again. We are a family. We share weal and woe. They can't ignore us!"

"It's no use, son," white mother cried bitterly. "I knelt down for your sister, but your brother-in-law asked your sister to leave. I'm afraid I won't even see your sister's face in the future..."

"You knelt down for my sister and couldn't borrow money?" Bai Yi was desperate.

He bent down and put his hands around his head, trembling with fear.

I can't fucking borrow money

His family is going bankrupt

He's going to be poor

He didn't tell his mother that he went to the Qin family to borrow money.

His parents can't borrow money. If he goes, he can't borrow it.

Moreover, he couldn't give up that face

More than thirty days.

In just over 30 days, the Bai family, which was once rich and beautiful, became a thing of the past.

The Bai family declared bankruptcy and all its assets were sealed up.

Bai Fu, Bai Mu and Bai Yi couldn't take anything away except their belongings.

Not only that, but also owed a lot of debt. I don't know when I can pay it off.

Bai's mother, who vowed never to go to the Qin family again, really couldn't stand the gap from wealth to debt, from everything to nothing. She came to Bai Ruo again and again.

However, no matter how many times she went, she couldn't even get in the door of the Qin family.

The guard told them that Bai Ruo and Qin Churong had gone abroad for their honeymoon and would not come back in a short time.

She knew that this was just an excuse, but Bai Ruo and Qin Churong didn't seem to be in the capital. She thought of countless ways, sharpened her head and couldn't see them.

She went again and again. Each time she was disappointed and returned. She was finally desperate. She no longer climbed the door of the Qin family and lived half dead every day.

Since the Qin family went bankrupt, her husband has been ruined. He not only doesn't go out to work and make money to pay off his debts, but also gets drunk every day and paralyzes himself with alcohol.

But her son suddenly matured and became a person. He found a job and a part-time job. He worked two jobs a day. He worked hard to make money and pay off his debts., the fastest update of the webnovel!