You Are My Rare Passion

Chapter 6919

Seeing that Bai's mother didn't speak, Bai's father was more angry: "I'm talking to you. Are you deaf? And the waste son you gave birth to! If it weren't for him, how could I be so ashamed today?"

"Shut up!" Bai Mu said angrily, "I told you long ago that if you listened to Ruo Ruo, you would stop doing business and sell the company, but you wouldn't listen! If you listened to me long ago, how could the family fall like this?"

"You blame me?" the white father roared back: "it's not your waste son! If he didn't promise that he would turn over, how could I be cheated by him again and again?"

Two people were standing on the side of the road, quarrelling with each other. A car came from a distance and passed them without slowing down.

Bai Mu saw clearly that it was Qin Churong's parents' car.

Although she didn't really see through the window, she still saw Qin Churong's parents sitting in the car.

However, the car passed by them and didn't slow down at all.

Qin Churong's parents ignored them and entered the Qin family villa.

Her face became hot.

What a shame!

I think at the beginning, she was also a wealthy wife who lived in dignity, but I don't know when she was reduced to what she is now.

In the eyes of Qin Churong's parents, she must be a woman who doesn't want a face. She has no self-esteem at all.

For most of her life, she has never been so ashamed.

She couldn't stay here anymore. She got into the car and told the driver to drive.

The driver looked at Bai Fu: "Chairman, he..."

"Ignore him!" white mother shouted, "go now! Go now!"

This may be the last time she enjoys the driver's service.

If you don't borrow money, the company will go bankrupt. Not to mention the driver, even the car will be sealed up and auctioned by the bank.

She will have nothing.

But even if she had nothing, she didn't want to come back to the Qin family.

What a shame.

She and the Qin family are clearly in laws. Her daughter married into the Qin family. When the Qin family saw her, they should have been far away from Gao Ying and polite.

But the reality is that the Qin family despised her and regarded her as nothing.

Her face and dignity were trampled under her feet.

Even so, she could not exchange the sympathy and compassion of the Qin family.

She clearly realized that Qin Churong did what he said and that the Qin family would no longer help her.

Those who can lose have just lost all in front of her daughter and son-in-law.

She still has a face after all. She wants to keep her last dignity and dignity.

The driver hesitated for a moment, finally started the car and left the Qin villa.

Bai's father was furious when he saw that the driver and Bai's mother left him, but there was nothing to do. He had to go to the roadside and stop a taxi to leave.

When Bai's mother came home, Bai Yi, who was so anxious, rushed over immediately, "Mom, how's it going? Did you borrow the money?"

Bai's mother shook her head and stumbled to the sofa to sit down.

"Didn't you borrow it?" Bai Yi stares in disbelief. "How could you not borrow it? Mom, isn't my sister at home? Haven't you seen my sister?"

"Yes," said Bai mother weakly, "but this time, your sister and your brother-in-law are determined not to lend us money... Son, this time, mom can't help you."

"My sister and brother-in-law refused to lend us money?" Bai Yi shook his head with a pale face: "it's impossible! The Qin family has so much money that we only borrowed so much money. How can they not lend us? The useless man Qin Churong, who married my sister, how dare he turn his face and refuse to recognize others?", the fastest update of the webnovel!