You Are My Rare Passion

Chapter 6916

The Qin family is the only place where it is possible to lend them money.

If they can't borrow money, their white house will be over!

After that, they will live in poverty with nothing. Life is better than death.

So, anyway, she must borrow money.

If she can't borrow money, she won't leave!

"Ruo Ruo, mom, please!" she sobbed and knelt down in front of Bai Ruo, looking up at Bai Ruo: "If you can't help it, mom won't embarrass you, but mom really can't help it! If you can't borrow the money, the White House will be over, and mom can't live. If you help mom again, mom swear, this is the last time, and I promise it will be the last time!"

Bai Ruo was so frightened that he stepped back and nearly fell down.

Qin Churong hurried over to hold her, "if?"

Bai Ruo looked at Bai's mother with a snow-white face, and was extremely sad.

Her mother knelt down for her.

At this moment, she wavered.

Why don't you... Lend it to her mother again?

last hole!

But when she saw Qin Churong's worried and concerned eyes, her heart hardened again for a moment.


no way!

Last time and last time, her parents said the same.

They also said, the last time.

However, time after time, the interval is getting shorter and shorter, and the amount of money borrowed is getting larger and larger.

Every time, they say it's the last time, but every time, it's not the last time.

They are like gamblers. Their promises can't count at all.

Lend it to them this time, and probably next time.

She has given in too many times. This time, she can't give in any more.

If we give in this time, there will certainly be another time.

Qin Churong is nice to her, so she is willing to lend money to her parents, but she can't just ask Qin Churong for it because Qin Churong is nice to her!


But she was so sad to see her biological mother kneeling in front of her.

Sad chest is like a steel knife stabbing and stirring, and she is in pain.

She hurts and hates.

Her mother forced her in this way.

Her mother really doesn't care how she feels

No matter whether she is embarrassed or sad, her mother just wants to borrow money.

Seeing Bai ruo's pain and shaking, Qin Churong made a quick decision and asked the housekeeper to call a nanny in: "Madam Shao is not feeling well. You help her upstairs to have a rest."

"Yes, young master!" the nanny immediately held Bai Ruo: "madam, I'll help you upstairs to have a rest."

Bai Ruo is really uncomfortable. He is dizzy and has a dull pain in his heart. It seems that he will faint at any time.

She obediently asked the nanny to hold her and followed the nanny upstairs.

White mother is stupid.

She thought that she had knelt down for her daughter and that her daughter would lend her money no matter what.

Who knows, Qin Churong is going to support her daughter!

"If!" she cried bitterly, "if you don't lend money to mom, mom won't get up. Mom will kneel and die here!"

Qin Churong said to Bai Ruo, "don't worry, I'll take good care of my father-in-law and mother-in-law. You're not feeling well. Hurry to have a rest."

He winked at the nanny. The nanny understood and dragged Bai Ruo upstairs.

"Ruo Ruo!" Bai Mu got up and wanted to chase, but was stopped by the housekeeper.

"Wife in law, it's getting late. You'd better go back first?" the housekeeper said with a smile: "my wife is coming back soon. My wife loves my little wife most. You're crying and making trouble here. Our little wife is not feeling well. When my wife comes back, I'll blame you!", the fastest update of the webnovel!