You Are My Rare Passion

Chapter 6915

Qin Churong sneered.

It's hard, it won't work. It's soft again!

"Whether Bai Ruo and I will have children is a matter of the future," he said coldly, looking at Bai's father and mother, with a cold tone and no temperature. "But now, I can tell you for sure that I won't lend you money. Don't waste time here. Hurry to think of other ways."

"Ruo Ruo!" Bai's mother begged and looked at Bai Ruo and said, "good daughter, you can help your parents for the last time! Your parents are desperate to find you! It's really the last time. You don't want to see your parents have nothing. Are you down on the street?"

"Don't worry," Bai Ruo said calmly, "if one day you really have nothing and fall into the streets, I will help you rent a house."

It's impossible to lend them money.

Help them buy a house. She can't do that.

But it was her biological parents, and she couldn't really see them on the streets.

She can help them rent a house, but it's absolutely impossible to have a good house.

An ordinary apartment with a monthly rent of thousands of yuan.

Love can't live!

"Ruo Ruo, mom, please!" Bai's mother walked up to Bai Ruo and begged to grab Bai ruo's hand. Tears flowed out: "Ruo Ruo, mom really has no choice. Do you want to kill mom? If you can't borrow money, mom has to die!"

These words pierced Bai ruo's heart like a steel knife.

At first, she knew that Qin Churong had a disability. She didn't want to date Qin Churong, and her mother threatened her like this.

If she doesn't go on a blind date with Qin Churong, she will force her mother to die.

Now, her mother forced her again!

Her face was pale and her heart was aching. She took a deep breath, looked at Bai's mother seriously and said, "Mom, you are not only my mother, but also Bai Yi's mother and my father's husband. If you really can't live, you are not forced to die by me, you are forced to die by your incompetent husband, your dead son, and the person who forced you is definitely not me!"

"You don't have to put such a big hat on my head. If you really want to die, who forced you to die? The eyes of the world are bright. I believe that the person who bears the reputation of forcing you to death is definitely not me!"

"Ruo Ruo, what do you mean?" Bai Mu completely changed her face, her lips trembled and her voice trembled: "Ruo Ruo, you mean that even if my mother died, it has nothing to do with you? Why are you so cruel? I'm your mother! You can save me, do you have to watch me die?"

"You're wrong, I can't save you!" Bai Ruo said quietly, "I don't have money! If I have money, I will help you, but I don't have money, I can't help you! You sold me, and you've got my selling money. You've sold me once. Do you want to force me to divorce Qin Churong and sell me again?"

"Bai Ruo really has no money," Qin Churong said coldly: "Not only does she have no money, but I also have no money. The Qin family's property is in the name of my parents. I'm just a worker for my parents. Even if Bai Ruo divorces me now, you can't get a penny of the Qin family's property. You can't get money from Bai Ruo here. Instead of wasting time here, you'd better hurry to find a way elsewhere."

Go somewhere else?

The white mother looked desperate.

Where else can I think of?

I've borrowed all the places I can. Others won't lend them any more money., the fastest update of the webnovel!