You Are My Rare Passion

Chapter 6917

Their husband is tolerant and tolerant.

The young master of their family is more gentle and won't turn against others easily.

In their family, only their wife is a shrewish.

He was afraid that their young master and young lady would suffer. He stood at the door all the time. He saw and heard what Bai Fu and Bai Mu had done.

He was disgusted by white father and white mother.

If it weren't for identity restrictions, he would have rolled up his sleeves and sprayed it.

He has many shameless people. He hasn't seen such shameless people as white father and white mother several times.

It's disgusting!

Fortunately, their young master and wife never let go and promised to lend them money, otherwise he would have to suffocate and die.

But he felt that their young master and young lady were still too soft.

According to his idea, why do you talk so nonsense to them?

Directly call some bodyguards in, throw them out, and then command the guard to never let them in again.

in a clean manner!

Their young master is still young and thin skinned. He is embarrassed to do so well.

To clean up the shameless hob meat of white father and white mother, their wife still has to go!

Every rich family has several poor relatives, as do the Qin family.

The old men and women of the Qin family love face and have a soft heart. In those years, they were taken advantage of by those poor relatives.

As the saying goes, when one gets the word, chickens and dogs rise to heaven.

When the Qin family is developed, it's nothing to pull poor relatives and let them follow. But some poor relatives are too bad. While taking advantage of the Qin family, they say that "the Qin family is so rich that they give us this little thing. The Qin family is so stingy" and so on.

These ugly words were known by their wife, and their husband's popularity turned over immediately.

Since then, those relatives who don't care about the Qin family have not been able to touch the Qin family for a dime.

There is a shameless family. They are much cheaper than the Qin family. They can't get cheaper. They are dying. The whole family came to the Qin family to make trouble.

Their wife told the guard of the gate not to let them in. They made noise outside the gate, crying and yelling, and fabricated some rumors that the Qin family owed them a favor. They rumored that the Qin family had no conscience and developed, so they were ungrateful and left their poor relatives who had helped them aside.

Their husband was so popular that he asked the bodyguards to pour cold water outside.

In the cold winter and December, the whole family was splashed all over. Those people were crazy, but there was no way.

They called the police, but when the police came, they scolded them and told them not to make trouble by blocking the door of the Qin family, so the Qin family wouldn't pour cold water on them.

After giving them a lesson, the police left.

Just as they were crying when they blocked the door of their Qin family, if they called the police, the police couldn't help them. They poured them into soup with cold water. They called the police, and the police also didn't care.

Those people had no choice but to leave in dismay.

A few days later, those people came again.

But this time, instead of making trouble, he carried something to apologize.

Their wife wouldn't let those people in. They apologized and cried outside the door. They scolded themselves, admitted their mistakes and begged the Qin family for forgiveness. They hoped to continue to walk with the Qin family as before.

It's a pity that it's too late., the fastest update of the webnovel!