You Are My Rare Passion

Chapter 6914

Qin Churong also felt incredible.

How can a person be shameless to this extent?

It's cold-blooded enough to marry their own daughter to a bad man for money. Now, they are using the word "no" as a chip to steal money.


Is to steal money.

Now it's either borrowing money or bluffing money.

Just like those villains who blackmail money from others in their hands, they think he can't be the bargaining chip of the Bai family. They use this secret to blackmail money from the Qin family!

Qin Churong doesn't know whether he will be coerced by Bai Fu if his disease is not cured. But now, he's sure that he won't accept Bai Fu's coerce.

He smiled lightly, "you can sue as you want, but there's one thing I need to tell you... My disease is cured!"

He looked at Bai Fu and said slowly, "I solemnly tell you that my illness has healed. Therefore, if you say I can't, it's a rumor and slander, I'll sue you!"

"What are you talking about?" Bai Fu stared in surprise.

"My illness has been cured," Qin Churong sneered contemptuously, "so I'm sorry to disappoint you. You can say I'm disabled, but you can't say I'm a eunuch, otherwise I'll sue you for slander!"

White father disgusted him.

He hasn't seen such a disgusting person in a long time.

For money, he married his daughter to a bad man. On the contrary, he used this as a handle to blackmail his son-in-law for money. Unexpectedly, he said that his son-in-law was a eunuch in front of his son-in-law.

Has he thought about how his daughter feels?

How could there be such a disgusting person in the world?

"Impossible!" the white father subconsciously denied, "how can you cure it?"

How can Qin Churong be cured?

Qin Churong is a cripple. He can't treasure his daughter.

If Qin Churong were better, his daughter would not have any advantage if he could find any kind of women based on the family background of the Qin family.

He can't use Qin Churong's bad handle to threaten Qin Churong to lend him money.

"I've been treating. When I meet a skilled doctor, I'll be cured," Qin Churong said faintly. "So, your handle is useless. Don't waste time here. If you don't go, I'll let the bodyguard drive people away!"

"You lie!" white father said with a livid face, "you haven't been cured for so long. How can you suddenly be cured? You lie!"

"If you go to the court to sue me, you'll know if I'm lying!" Qin Churong said coldly, "you just go to the court to sue me, but I also promise you that if you dare to say I can't, I'll sue you for slander. If you don't believe it, try it!"

Bai Fu was angry and unwilling. His face was pale and his fingertips trembled.

Qin Churong?

Are you really ready?

If Qin Churong is good, his last card will be useless.

Before he came, he was full of confidence and thought that if Qin Churong dared not lend him money, he would simply tear his face and threaten Qin Churong with what Qin Churong couldn't do.

Qin Churong and the Qin family love face. They certainly dare not let Qin Churong's failure spread. They will accept his threat and lend him money.

But now, Qin Churong said he was fine.

His cards are gone. Qin Churong won't lend him money.

What should I do?

Seeing that the scene was frozen, Bai's mother hurried out to make a round. She said with a happy face: "Churong is actually good. It's great! I knew that Churong is blessed. If Churong is also blessed, now Churong is good. You two work harder and have a baby quickly. At that time, we will be upgraded to be grandparents!"

"That's right!" the white father replied, "when you have a child, we will be the child's grandparents. The white family is the child's grandmother. Even for the sake of the child, you can't ignore the white family and watch the white family go bankrupt!", the fastest update of the webnovel!