You Are My Rare Passion

Chapter 6911

"Ruo Ruo!" Bai's mother seemed not to understand Qin Churong's words. She rushed to Bai Ruo, grabbed Bai ruo's hand, cried and said, "dear daughter, mom, please, this is the last time! This time, my parents listened to you, disposed of the company and paid off the debts owed. After that, they lived steadily and never came to you to borrow money!"

Qin Churong went over to help Bai Ruo get rid of her hand and blocked Bai Ruo behind him: "Madam Bai, you don't have to force Bai Ruo. I said that the last time was the last time. The last time was the last time. I won't eat my words and get fat. It's useless for you to force Bai Ruo."

"Churong, anyway, we married our most beloved daughter to you. Just look at ruo's face and help us for the last time," Bai's mother begged bitterly: "Churong, if we don't really have nowhere to go, we won't come to you. We are a family. The Bai family is bankrupt, and you don't look good on your face, do you?"

"I don't think so." Qin Churong was unmoved. "The Qin family is the Qin family, the Bai family is the Bai family, and the Bai family is bankrupt. What's the matter with the Qin family?"

"Qin Churong, we are your father-in-law, mother-in-law and your elders. How dare you speak to us like that?" Bai Fu said angrily, "when you married my daughter, how did you promise us? You said you would be good to her. Now, you have to watch her mother's company go bankrupt and you won't even help. That's what you call being good to her?"

"Churong is very kind to me," Bai Ruo said quietly, standing behind Qin Churong. "I'm glad I can marry him. He has done his utmost to the Bai family. I'm very grateful to him. It's not that he's not good enough, but that you're greedy."

"Bastard, what are you talking about?" Bai Fu angrily scolded: "if your mother and I hadn't planned for you, you could marry into the Qin family? Now you're well off and don't worry about everything. If you don't reach out to help your mother's family in trouble, what's your conscience?"

"Do you plan for me?" Bai Ruo sneered. "According to what you say, you married me to the Qin family. I still want to thank you?"

"You should not only thank us for this!" the white father said angrily, "your mother and I raised you so much. Without me and your mother, how can there be you in the world? Crows still know how to feed back. Are you not even as good as animals?"

Bai Ruo looked at her father and felt desolate.

Her parents sold her for the sake of Bai family and her brother, but at this moment, her father can tell her without guilt that she should be grateful to them.

When did her father become such an abominable and terrible appearance?

She was discouraged and didn't want to say anything. She took back her eyes and looked at Qin Churong: "don't say anything. They won't listen. Let them go."

Qin Churong nodded and shouted, "see off!"

Soon, the housekeeper strode in and said to Bai's father and mother, "Mr. and Mrs. in laws, please."

Bai Fu trembled angrily and nodded again and again: "drive us away, right? OK! OK! Let's go, let's go now! Bai Ruo, from now on, you're not my daughter from Bai Qi. I don't have an unfilial daughter like you from Bai Qi. Don't step into the door of Bai family in the future!"

He thought that if he said this, Bai would be frightened, afraid and beg his forgiveness.

Who knows, Bai Ruo just looked at him quietly and didn't say a word., the fastest update of the webnovel!