You Are My Rare Passion

Chapter 6910

"Divorce is divorce!" Bai Fuqi patted the table: "you are a lame, or a waste. If our family is willing to marry you, you burned Gao Xiang and threatened us with divorce?"

He fiercely stood up and grabbed Bai ruo's hand: "go, Ruo Ruo, go home with Dad! Divorce is divorce, three legged toad is hard to find, and two legged people are hard to find? There are some men who are willing to marry you after divorce. It's better to find one than him!"

"Divorce?" Bai Ruo shook off his hand and smiled sadly, "Oh! Divorce! As soon as your upper lip touched your lower lip, you said it so easily! What's the purpose of divorce? Let you sell me again?"

Bai Fu was stunned and said angrily, "you bastard! What nonsense are you talking about?"

"Nonsense? Am I talking nonsense?" Bai Ruo sneered with tears in his eyes. "What did you just say? You said Churong is lame or useless. It's better to find a man outside? Since you despise him so much, why do you marry me to him? What are you not selling your daughter?"

Bai Fu opened his mouth and was speechless.

"If so, my parents don't want this!" Bai's mother wiped her tears and cried, "my parents really have no choice, so they come to beg you and Churong. If there is any way, my parents won't make it difficult for you and Churong."

"No way? Are you really no way?" Bai Ruo looked at her coldly and said: "Back and forth, the Qin family lent you tens of millions of dollars! I told you to get rid of the company, take the rest of the money, buy a few shops, and do a small business. You don't listen. You have to let Bai Yi take the money to invest and do business, and lose money again and again!"

"Dad and mom, what do you think of the Qin family? Your ATM? Even if you really sell your daughter, the Qin family gives you tens of millions, which is enough. Do you think I'm a cash cow? If Qin Churong marries me, he has to keep throwing money to the Bai family!"

"It's the opposite, it's the opposite!" Bai Fu was ashamed and angry, and his face flushed. "Listen to what you said! I finally know what is the water poured out by the married daughter! Your mother and I worked hard to raise you so big, and that's how you repay us? I knew you were so unfilial. We should have strangled you when you were born!"

"Do I repay you less?" Bai Ruo looked at him coldly and said, "don't pressure me with filial piety! At first, I didn't want to date Churong. You forced me. I listened to you. Later, when I married Churong, you borrowed money again and again. I borrowed it several times, which added up to tens of millions!"

"No matter where you go, I've done my utmost to you. You can say whatever you like. If you don't feel ashamed, I don't mind if you go and advertise it. You're free!"

"If you don't do this, if you don't," Bai's mother cried, shaking her body and sobbing. "If you don't help your parents, you'll force them to die! Even if your parents are not, they are your biological parents. When you were a child, you were sick, and your father and I held you in the middle of the night from..."

"Enough! Stop talking!" Bai Ruo interrupted her: "I've heard these words countless times, and I don't want to listen any more!"

"Yes, you really don't need to say these words," Qin Churong said coldly, "because it's no use talking to her. In the Qin family, it's me and my parents, not Bai Ruo. She doesn't have money to lend you. It's no use talking to her!", the fastest update of the webnovel!