You Are My Rare Passion

Chapter 6912

He didn't really want to go. He just threatened Bai Ruo with these words, made Bai Ruo soft, and asked Bai Ruo to help him beg Qin Churong.

Who knows, Bai Ruo is indifferent.

And he didn't really have the courage to leave.

His son has lost a lot of money again. If he doesn't get on, the company will be over.

The house, car and real estate in the family are all mortgaged to the bank. The capital chain is broken and the company goes bankrupt. They have to live on the streets and drink the West and north wind.

In recent years, he has not only borrowed money from the Qin family, but also from others. There are debts everywhere. No one is willing to lend him any more money.

The Qin family was his last hope.

The Qin family has a big business. Several times ago, he borrowed money from the Qin family very smoothly. He thought it would be so smooth this time.

I don't know. This time, Qin Churong was too determined to lend him money.

Without money, the company will go bankrupt, and he will have nothing after that.

After being a boss all his life, in the end, he was poor and had nothing. He couldn't afford this gap.

In any case, he would borrow money from Qin Churong and let the Bai family tide over the difficulties.

But Bai Ruo, the unfilial daughter, doesn't speak for him at all.

Qin Churong clearly likes Bai Ruo, so he doesn't believe it. Bai Ruo begged Qin Churong to look for life and death. Qin Churong won't help the Bai family.

He wants Bai Ruo to speak for them, so he threatens Bai Ruo by breaking off his relationship with Bai Ruo.

His daughter is filial, otherwise she wouldn't have wanted to date Qin Churong. His wife cried and advised several times, and Bai Ruo agreed.

Since you are filial, you don't want to bear a charge of unfilial.

He thought that if he offered the killer mace of breaking off relations, Bai Ruo would give in.

At least this time, I will give in, say some threats like this is the last time I lent them money, and lend them the money.

Who knows, Bai Ruo didn't respond at all!

His threatening words are light and useless to Bai Ruo!

He was angry and could not hold his face. Suddenly, he burst out and rushed towards Bai Ruo fiercely: "You bastard, if you marry into a rich family, you don't even recognize your parents, do you? Even if you marry into the Qin family, you are my white daughter. Qin Churong refuses to borrow money, but he doesn't pay attention to me and your mother. We don't have such a son-in-law! Go home with us! Divorce! You must divorce Qin Churong!"

Qin Churong blocked Bai Ruo and pushed him away with cold eyes: "Chairman Bai, if you want to divorce me, you can pay back the money owed by your Bai family to the Qin family first! Before and after, your Bai family owes the Qin family more than 30 million. For the sake of me and Bai ruo's husband and wife, I don't want your interest, just pay back the capital! When you pay off the money, when will you talk about divorce with me!"

"Pay back the money? You said you would pay back the money? Why?" the white father said with an iron green face, "my daughter is a yellow flower girl. She married you and became a second marriage. You can't give me some compensation? I haven't asked you for mental loss fees yet. Are you still willing to let me pay back the money?"

Bai Ruo looked at him and was desperate.

How did her father, who used to love face so much, become like this now?

She can't believe that money is so powerful?

Can turn a man who loves face into a hob meat.

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