You Are My Rare Passion

Chapter 6909

After a few words, her eyes turned red and her voice choked: "if you know your parents, if you are not forced to be desperate, your parents will not come to beg you. The company is your grandfather's lifelong effort. If the company is gone, how can your father explain to your underground grandfather? If your grandfather knows it underground, he will die in peace."

Bai ruo's eyes are also red.

Her grandfather loved her and her brother most.

She misses her grandfather very much.

If her grandfather were still there, her parents would not be like this.

Every time.

At first, she didn't want to have a blind date with Qin Churong. Her mother also said that she was soft hearted and agreed to have a blind date with Qin Churong.

Later, her parents came again and again to borrow money from the Qin family, saying almost the same thing.

Every time, her heart softens.

But this time, she won't.

She did everything she had to do.

It's time to pay back her upbringing. She paid it off.

If she indulges her parents to borrow money from the Qin family again and again, the Qin family and Qin Churong will be unbearable sooner or later and let her leave the Qin family.

She loves Qin Churong. She doesn't want to divorce Qin Churong.

With her character, she will say tough, I won't lend you any more money.

But thinking of Qin Churong's words, she looked at Qin Churong and pretended to speak for them: "Churong..."

"Bai Ruo, stop talking!" Qin Churong said coldly, "I have lent tens of millions to your mother's family before and after. I have done my utmost to the Bai family. If you force me to lend money to your mother's family, we will divorce. The Bai family is a bottomless pit. Our Qin family will not throw money into this bottomless pit. I would rather divorce than give the Bai family a penny."

Bai Ruo knew that he was acting and telling lies, but he was still sad.

This sadness is not because of Qin Churong, but because of her parents.

If she obeys her parents and helps the Bai family borrow money from the Qin family again and again, what Qin Churong just said will no longer be a play, but will become a reality.

Her parents never thought about it.

Before, I didn't consider whether she would be happy to marry Qin Churong.

Now, I haven't considered whether their borrowing money from the Qin family again and again will make her unable to lift her head in the Qin family, and whether Qin Chu Rong and his parents hate her.

For her parents, she is a tool to help the white family make money.

Who cares whether the tool is happy or not?

She lowered her head, and the corners of her mouth began to laugh at herself with a bitter smile.

"What are you talking about? What do you mean you have done your utmost to our Bai family?" Bai father said angrily: "if our family is raised by Bai family's gold and noble jade, and there are many people pursuing her, she is worth tens of millions? We are her biological parents. We are in trouble. If you really love her, you should help us!"

"I've already helped," Qin Churong said calmly but firmly. "Dad, I've made up my mind, so you don't have to spend more time. The Qin family won't lend you any more money or any more points!"

Bai's mother was worried: "if you are, please say a word for your parents!"

She is a woman. Women are more sensitive to feelings. She can see that Qin Churong likes her daughter.

If her daughter said a few words for them, Qin Churong might still lend them money.

Bai Ruo looks up at Qin Churong.

Qin Churong immediately said, "Bai Ruo, stop talking for them. If you talk for them again, we'll divorce!", the fastest update of the webnovel!