You Are My Rare Passion

Chapter 6908

One by one, they walked into the living room.

When Bai Fu and Bai Mu saw them enter the door, they immediately stood up and warmly exchanged greetings: "Churong and ruoruo, are you back? Are you tired? Thirsty? Tea or juice?"

They are a little too natural, as if this is their home.

Bai Ruo is helpless and doesn't want to say a word.

In the past, her parents were not like this.

Her father used to be a person who loved face and liked to be complimented by others. Her mother was also a noble wife who lived a delicate and beautiful life.

I don't know whether it's poverty and short ambition or why. I haven't seen her for several years. Her parents seem to have been worn by the soul and become such vulgar people.

She couldn't bear to know them.

Qin Churong said, "Dad, mom, we're not thirsty. You sit down."

White father and white mother sat down on the sofa,

Bai mother asked with a smile, "Churong, Ruo, what did you do just now? Look at you. It's good to be right in pairs! We'll be relieved to see your good feelings!"

Qin Churong said, "I went to see a doctor."

The smile on the white mother's face was stiff, and the atmosphere was a little embarrassed.

Of course she knows what disease Qin Churong went to see.

Marrying her daughter to Qin Churong is a bad man. She doesn't feel guilty or guilty, but she can't help it.

Her son did not work hard and lost several big projects. If there was no capital injection and strong support, the Bai family would go bankrupt.

Bankrupt, the family will be poor and down on the streets.

How to live in the future?

Her son hasn't got a wife and children yet. What about the rest of his life?

She really had no choice but to sacrifice her daughter's happiness to marry the Qin family.

After all, she's the one who's sorry for her daughter.

Seeing that Bai's mother was stuck, Bai's father coughed and asked Qin Churong seriously: "Churong, what did you think about what I discussed with you two days ago?"

"Dad, I don't have to think about it," Qin Churong looked at Bai Fu and said seriously: "I made it very clear last time. Last time, it was the last time I lent money to the Bai family. I won't lend any more money to the Bai family in the future! My parents taught me to keep my word when I was young. I did particularly well. I won't eat my words. So, Dad, you'd better think of other ways. The Qin family won't lend money to the Bai family in the future!"

"What are you talking about?" the white father was angry and looked angry: "I even married my daughter to you and borrowed some money from you. You pushed and blocked!"

"Yes, Dad, you married your daughter to me," Qin Churong said "But, Dad, you marry your daughter, not sell your daughter. The Bai family is in trouble. If you can help me, I will help. From front to back, I have lent tens of millions of working capital to the Bai family. If I borrow it again, the Qin family will hurt their muscles and bones. So maybe I can change my words. I don't want to borrow it, but I can't take it out. Dad, you'd better think about it. Don't worry The best way. "

"What can't be taken out?" Bai Fu said angrily, "your Qin family has a great cause. I don't believe you can't even take out 10 million. If you don't borrow it, you won't borrow it. Why do you say so many words of evasion?"

"Don't be angry!" Bai's mother saw that the two people were choking. She quickly patted Bai's father's arm and looked at Bai Ruo. "If you say a word for your parents, they really have difficulties. They need 10 million to get through them, or our company will be over!", the fastest update of the webnovel!