You Are My Rare Passion

Chapter 6907

Qin Churong said, "if they come to us again to borrow money, you cooperate with me and ask me to lend money to them, but I won't lend it to them. In this way, they may retreat from difficulties."

He suddenly put forward this idea because he didn't want Bai Ruo to be scolded.

If Bai Ruo takes the initiative to say that he won't let the Qin family lend money to the Bai family, Bai ruo's parents will scold her.

But if he doesn't borrow it, it's no problem.

After all, he has done his utmost to Bai Jiaren.

Before and after, he has lent tens of millions to the Bai family.

As a son-in-law, even if he doesn't lend a penny to the Bai family in the future, others can't say he doesn't have a word.

He should bear all the responsibilities and not let Bai Ruo get caught in the middle.

Bai Ruo understood what he meant and said sadly, "I'm the one who's bothering you..."

If he hadn't married her, Qin Churong wouldn't have been blackmailed by her parents again and again.

"Don't say that," Qin Churong hugged her shoulder and kissed her with his head down. "There's no pie falling from the sky? If your parents are not greedy for money, how can they be willing to marry you to me?"

Bai Ruo shook his head and didn't want to say anything more.

Knowing that she was sad, Qin Churong kissed her again and coaxed her softly: "married daughter, splashed water, you will be my person in the future. Let's live a good life, and we will be happy."

Bai Ruo nodded, snuggled into his arms, closed his eyes and stopped talking.

Soon, the Qin family arrived.

As soon as they got off the bus, the housekeeper ran over. His face was not very good-looking. When they came near them, their voice was very low: "young master, young lady, Mr. Bai and Mrs. Bai are coming again."

At the beginning of Qin Dynasty, Rong and Bai Ruo looked at each other.

Qin Churong held Bai ruo's hand, "it's all right, give it to me."

Bai Ruo nodded.

Qin Churong's method is feasible.

She must let her parents know that she doesn't mean what she says at the White House.

Qin Churong doesn't want to lend them money. She can't help it.

She is the biological daughter of her parents and is naturally vulnerable. If her parents know that she has a voice in the Qin family, Qin Churong listens to her. Later, if her parents are short of money, they will come to the Qin family to borrow money. She and Qin Churong will never have peace for the rest of their lives.

Qin Churong is just her parents' son-in-law. Qin Churong's attitude should be firm and let her parents know that the Qin family will not lend money to them in the future. Her parents have no way to take Qin Churong and may not come back to the Qin family to borrow money in the future.

After taking a few steps, Qin Churong loosened Bai ruo's hand and whispered to Bai Ruo, "don't say anything behind me. If I have a bad attitude towards you later, don't take it to heart. It's all for them!"

Bai Ruo nodded, "I know."

"Darling, don't be unhappy, just treat them as irrelevant people. In the future, we are the closest people in the world!" Qin Churong took the time to coax her again while there was still a distance from the living room.

Bai Ruo smiled at him with a warm heart.

Fortunately, she met this man.

He's really good!

He's right. They will be the closest people in the world.

In the future, they want husband and wife to work together, manage their small family carefully and live a good life.

She can't always allow her parents to lie on her and suck blood.

People's endurance is limited, insatiable, sooner or later will be disgusting.

She hated her parents because of their insatiable greed. She didn't want Qin Churong to hate her., the fastest update of the webnovel!