You Are My Rare Passion

Chapter 6906

Bai Ruo frowned: "what are they looking for you for?"

"Borrow money..." Qin Churong was embarrassed. "Their last investment project failed again and lost a lot of money..."

Bai Ruo was worried and sat up straight: "did you lend it to them?"

"No," Qin Churong shook his head. "Last time you said it was the last time to lend money to them. Let me not lend money to them in the future, so I didn't borrow it. I want to discuss it with you..."

"Don't borrow it!" Bai Ruo said firmly: "They lied to you! What? They failed to invest and lost a lot of money? Bai Yi must have lost money again! Bai Yi didn't eat enough and couldn't do anything. He's lazy and ambitious. How much money you have is not enough for him to lose! Since I've said, the last time I lent him money is the last time! There's no next time!"

"OK, OK, OK, I see!" Qin Churong comforted her. "Don't get excited. If you say you don't borrow it, we won't borrow it. Listen to you!"

He is very happy at the bottom of his heart.

Bai ruo's parents and younger brother, he doesn't look up to them.

However, bad bamboo shoots well, but Bai Ruo is very much in line with his heart.

He appreciated his appearance, temperament, and his manner and discretion.

Moreover, he can feel that Bai Ruo really likes him.

If Bai Ruo marries him, he really likes him, not for the money and power of the Qin family.

He was glad many times that Bai Ruo was neither the kind of girl who was brainwashed and hollowed out her mother-in-law's family to supplement her mother's family, nor the legendary brother-in-law devil.

She has a sense of propriety and a bottom line.

After they got married, her parents came to borrow money several times, and the amount borrowed was bigger and bigger. He hesitated in his heart. Did he remind Bai Ruo to talk to her parents and not to always come to borrow money? Bai Ruo told her parents in front of him that the last time was the last time to lend money to them.

Bai Ruo firmly told her parents that the last time she said was the last time!

Before and after, the Qin family has lent tens of millions to her parents.

Last time, her parents borrowed $10 million at a time.

Bai Ruo said that if they didn't pay back the borrowed money, it would be regarded as buying out the kindness of the Bai family to her, and she would have nothing to do with the Bai family in the future.

And, no next time!

three months.

It was only three months since her parents borrowed money last time. Bai ruo's parents came again. This time, they asked for another 10 million.

He didn't borrow it.

But he was afraid that Bai Ruo was just cruel. Her parents were really short of money, and she was soft hearted again.

But looking at Bai ruo's worried appearance at the moment, she should be serious.

In the future, she probably won't lend money to her parents again.

He bowed his head and kissed her forehead: "if, I must have accumulated a lot of blessings in my last life, and I can marry such a good wife in this life!"

"Where am I?" Bai Ruo said angrily, "my father, my mother, my brother, three close relatives, none of them worry. They are all vampires. They want to suck me dry!"

"Don't worry, as long as I'm still there, they won't suck you," Qin Churong said. "You're a daughter. It's not good to be hard with your parents. You'll put all the responsibility on me. You say, I won't lend them money to save them from embarrassing you."

Bai Ruo hesitated: "isn't that good?"

"Why not?" Qin Churong was in a good mood today and resumed his former intolerance. "Well, if they borrow money again, let's cooperate and play a play for them!"

Bai Ruo was curious: "what play?", the fastest update of the webnovel!