You Are My Rare Passion

Chapter 6883

"Jin Ge," Gu Chi said slowly, "you are really young, but Zhu que, Bai Ze and Ming Yin are not much older than you! After you left, the young master didn't let them get up. They knelt until they fainted. I asked someone to take them back to the dormitory. When they wake up and rest for a night, they will continue to kneel tomorrow, and they are implicated by you!"

And what about him?

From the beginning to the end, he didn't care about the rosefinch. After all, he was himself and didn't feel guilty about the rosefinch.

With such a mind, their young master will never allow him to return to his home.

"Why?" Jin Ge choked and asked, "why should we be so strict? We... We know we're wrong..."

"Because there is no free lunch in this world," Gu Chi said calmly. "Our young master is not your parents, and our family is not your home. In this world, no one should treat you unconditionally. What you want and what you must pay first. If you have been waiting for pie to fall from the sky, I can only say that you will always live in disappointment in the future."

"I know I'm wrong... I really know I'm wrong," Jin Ge cried. "Brother Chi, I'm willing to change. Please, go and help me plead with my Lord and ask him to forgive me this time. In the future, I will listen to you and behave well. Listen to everything you say!"

"It's late!" Gu Chi said faintly, "don't have these unrealistic fantasies. Settle yourself early. You can't come back. Take another road."

After that, he said no more and hung up his cell phone.

Rosefinch also made mistakes, but they are not subjective mistakes, and there is the value of adjustment.

After all, talents don't become talents from the beginning. Even Gu Yuhan and Gu Yubing were taught by their young master for a long time. They are as obedient as they are now.

It's not that Gu family doesn't allow his people to make mistakes and detours, but some mistakes can be made, and some mistakes can't be made at once.

Jin Ge made the mistake that she couldn't make.

He sighed and shook his head. It was a pity in his heart.

Jin Ge is gifted and lovely. She is very likable.

Unfortunately, I'm a little greedy and stupid. I don't know the situation.

If he could be as smart as rosefinch, Baize and Mingyin, put his position right and stay at home, he would have great prospects.

Who says that now he is the young master's personal bodyguard and can only be a bodyguard all his life?

At first, he was also the young master's personal bodyguard, but now he is the young master's special help and takes the treatment of vice president of Gu's group.

Even the vice presidents of Le Yuzhou, Yu Mo and Han Zuo, who were real Gu's group, had to be polite when they saw him.

People's hearts are flesh long. How can they wrong the people around them with their master's character of protecting their weaknesses?

The personal bodyguard has a bright future, but the little fool Jinge doesn't like it. He wants to be Mrs. Lu's adopted son.

Wait another ten years... No, you don't have to wait a day. Even now, any person in the Lu family is not polite when they see Jinge?

He really doesn't understand what Jinge thinks,

Maybe I just think that the bodyguard is not as good as the adopted son?

Better be the head of a dog than the tail of a lion?


It's understandable.

It's just that I'm so stupid that I don't know how much I weigh and whether others are willing to adopt him or not.

Now, the sesame was not found and the watermelon was lost.

That's terrible!, the fastest update of the webnovel!