You Are My Rare Passion

Chapter 6882

The Gu family will think that you attended our young master's hundred day banquet. Later, our young master's bodyguard resigned and became your adopted son. Needless to say, you must have dug a corner by you, and she couldn't wash herself into the Yellow River!

Jin Ge shook her head: "I don't want to look back at home... My family is very good, but without my parents, it's not my home. I really want to have my own parents and a home of my own..."

"Let me help you find out if there are any couples who want to adopt children," Mrs. Lu said after discussing with him "Look, little brother, I have sons and daughters. Even if I adopt you, my home is not your home. You really want to have your own parents and home. It's better to find a husband and wife without children and let them adopt you. In this way, you will have your own parents and home!"

"Can you?" Jin Ge looked up and looked forward to her.

Mrs. Lu said, "I'll help you find it, but I'm not sure I can find it."

There are not many couples without children. Even if there are, people are willing to adopt children who are not sensible. They raise them by themselves from an early age, just like their own.

Jin Ge is smart and beautiful. She is really pleasing, but she is too old. People will think that such a big child can't be raised well. They would rather adopt an ignorant child than adopt him.

She was just forced by Jin Ge. She had no choice but to put forward such a plan.

Jin Ge bit her lip and lowered her head again.

He saw that Mrs. Lu was perfunctory.

Mrs. Lu looked around and said awkwardly, "little brother, it's getting late. I should go home. In this way, I'll help you listen. With a suitable family, I'll contact you!"

After that, she escaped and got on the bus.

The car started and drove into the villa area.

Jin Ge chased a few steps and shouted "aunt".

The car didn't stop and gradually disappeared from his sight.

He stood there, staring at the direction of the car disappearing, his heart empty.


He is smart and beautiful. He is more sensible and capable than many children. Why is no one willing to adopt him?

Why do so many children in the world have parents and families, but he doesn't?

He doesn't want to be a bodyguard. He wants to be like other children. He has loving parents, a warm home and a treasure in his parents' hands.

Why do other children have it when they are born? He tries to chase it, but he still can't get it?

He squatted down slowly, hugging his head and crying bitterly.

Someone saw him crying pitifully and came to ask him if he needed help.

He wiped his tears, picked up his suitcase, bowed his head and left.

He needs help.

But they can't help him.

No one wants to give him what he wants.

The family doesn't want to give it.

Mrs. Lu wouldn't give it either.

He has nowhere to go.

He wandered in the street until it was dark, cold and hungry.

He found a KFC and sat down in the corner. He called Gu Chi: "brother Chi, I want to go back..."

Gu Chi was speechless for a moment and sighed, "you can't come back."

"I know I'm wrong," he choked. "Brother Chi, I'm willing to go back to the training camp. I'll go back to training again. Next time I pick someone, I..."

"There's no next time," Gu Chi interrupted. "Take care of your family's rules. Once you're unfaithful, you don't need it a hundred times. Your mind is not firm and you're not suitable for taking care of your family."

"I will change!" Jin Ge cried, "brother Chi, I'm young, I'm not sensible, and I've done something wrong. Would you please plead with me?", the fastest update of the webnovel!