You Are My Rare Passion

Chapter 6884

Rosefinch, Baize and Mingyin knelt for three days.

Every day I knelt, fainted, was taken away, and continued to kneel the next day.

Before kneeling every day, Gu Chi would tell them the same sentence: you can go at any time. Gu's family would help them contact schools and welfare homes, and give them some living subsidies.

None of the three left.

After kneeling for three days, the test was over, and this page was turned over.

The three of them still went back to Xiaoyu and youyou. The difference is that Gu Junzhu found a pediatrician from outside.

The pediatrician is a woman, more accurately, Gu Qingrun's younger martial sister.

Gu Qingrun introduced him. He is very beautiful and charming. He only looks at his face. He doesn't think he is a pediatrician.

But he was born in a family of doctors, and his grandfather and mother were pediatricians.

The female doctor's name is Ruan Dai. She is Gu Qingrun's suitor.

you 're right.

Is the pursuer!

Gu Junzhu said to Ye Xingbei, "Gu Qingrun recommended Ruan Dai to me. They are going to make a positive achievement. In the future, as long as they are free, let Ruan Dai take care of you and the little fish here. She has been a minor in a nursery teacher and has no problem taking care of children."

"Well, OK," Ye Xingbei nodded and said with a smile, "unexpectedly, Gu Qingrun found such a beautiful girlfriend quietly. You have to hurry Xiaochi them back. Come on!"

Gu Qingrun's medical skills are superb, and Yue Yaer assists him. The little fish and youyou lose liquid for one day, and it's almost good the next day.

After two more days, he has recovered.

The baby son is happy again, and ye Xingbei's mood is better.

Gu Junzhu shook his head: "it's not urgent to find a girlfriend. It depends on fate."

"Oh?" Ye Xingbei chuckled, "how did Qingrun's fate come from?"

Gu Jun thought one by one, "someone is blind and mentally disabled!"

Ye Xingbei: "... Ha?"

Gu Junzhu rubbed her head with a smile. "Ruan Dai is Gu Qingrun's schoolmate. Two people have a mentor. They have known each other for a long time, but they are not very familiar. Ruan Dai used to have a bamboo horse. They have always been more than friendship and less than full love."

"But Ruan Dai's bamboo horse was confused with Ruan Dai's cousin. Ruan Dai broke up with the bamboo horse as soon as she was angry. Before long, her tutor called her and Qingrun to help him with a project. She was attracted to Qingrun and pursued it hard for more than a year. Gu Qingrun resisted at first, but later, Bai steelmaking finally turned into a soft hand."

"After chasing Qingrun for more than a year?" Ye Xingbei tut: "Qingrun's concealment is really tight! I haven't heard a word from him."

Gu Jun thought about it one by one and said, "he has concerns and has some resistance to marriage."

"Worry?" Ye Xingbei said, "what worry?"

"He thought I didn't want to see them get married," Gu Junzhu said "They think that a person who has enough to eat and the whole family is not hungry is more likely to be loyal. With his family and children, he involves more things and is easy to betray. Therefore, he actually likes Ruan Dai, but he still refused. I found it by chance and talked with him once before he untied his heart knot, and he tried to explain Ruan Dai."

Ye Xingbei: "... Not really? It's not a spy war blockbuster. It's not so... Strictly guard against it?"

"Who knows?" Gu Jun shook his head one by one and smiled. "I think what he meant was to risk his youth, his life and everything to his family. He didn't get married, have children and run his own family. He worked hard for his family, and the wax torch became ashes and tears began to dry!", the fastest update of the webnovel!