You Are My Rare Passion

Chapter 6881

"No, no!" Lu's face turned red and shook his head: "Little brother, to tell you the truth, our family really planned to adopt several adopted children and keep company with my son and daughter, but my son and my daughter disagreed. They thought there were too many people in the family. This plan was put on hold. Now they are old and in their twenties, so there is no need for our family to have another child!"

Jin Ge stared at her, opened her mouth, but couldn't speak.

Now, he suddenly understood what Gu Chi said to him.

Guchi said, those who praise him praise him in the face of his family.

Because he was a family man, they praised him, and praised him sincerely and sincerely.

In fact, even if they see the family dog, they will praise their enthusiasm and sincerity.

He doesn't want to believe it.

He hoped Gu Chi was lying to him.

But now, he understands.

Guchi didn't lie to him.

What he said is true.

Mrs. Lu really praised him for taking care of her family's face.

She never wanted him to be her son.

No matter how clever and beautiful he was, she never wanted him to be her son.

"Since, since you didn't want to adopt me as your son, why did you lie to me?" he felt terrible in his heart, his eyes were red with injustice, and his tears swirled in his eyes: "what you said is so sincere... I thought that if you like me and want me to be your son, I would resign from my family and I would come to you... But you lied to me..."

"I'm not lying to you. I'm just praising you. It's a metaphor! Use that metaphor to express my appreciation for you!" Lu's face flushed and incoherent. He just felt that he couldn't speak clearly all over his body, "Little brother, if I really want to adopt you as my son, I will certainly discuss with you. I just praised you. I didn't ask if you are willing to be my son, didn't I? If I didn't ask, it means I don't have that mind. You misunderstood me!"

Jin Ge stared at her.


She didn't say it directly.

Didn't ask him if he would like to be her son.

From the beginning to the end, he was self righteous and wishful thinking.

Mrs. Lu was right, because she really didn't ask him.

If she asked him if he would like to be her son, he resigned and came to her, but she refused to adopt him, it was Mrs. Lu's fault.

Mrs. Lu didn't say it. She just said that if she had a son like him, she would wake up with a smile. She didn't ask him if you would like to be my son.

So, Mrs. Lu is right. He is wrong.

He took it for granted.

"I know..." he lowered his head, big tears dripping on the ground, choked and asked: "Aunt, will you think about it now? I really want to be your son. If you adopt me as your son, I will be filial to you and be very good to your son and daughter... Aunt, please, will you adopt me? If you don't adopt me, I won't have a place to go..."

Mrs. Lu has a bad headache.

She looked at Jin Ge and asked carefully, "little brother, shall I take you back home? I'll help you explain to the fifth master and his wife and ask them to let you go back, OK?"

She dare not adopt Jinge.

If she adopted Jin Ge and was known by her family, she would be miserable!, the fastest update of the webnovel!