You Are My Rare Passion

Chapter 6878

What if what Gu Chi said is true and Mrs. Lu is not willing to accept him as an adopted son?

Like the family arranged for him, go to the welfare home?

No no no.

He's not going to the welfare home!

The welfare home has poor food and clothing. Several children sleep in one room. It's not like taking care of their family. Even in the training camp, they have never wronged them.

Seeing fear in his eyes, Gu Chi sighed again and shook his head: "you!"

Have a good hand and play badly.

Who is to blame?

No one can blame.

He can only blame himself for his soft ears, greed and lack of gratitude.

The children in the training camp are counted one by one. They are saved one by one by their family members from the difficult environment.

At first, they were willing to join the training camp and vowed to be loyal to their family.

But now, Jin Ge was just praised and floated. He forgot the kindness of his family to save him from water and fire and the oath he made. He was not only big hearted, but also secretly arranged a way for himself.

If Jin Ge is a few years older, he will scold him for being ungrateful.

But the world will always be tolerant of children. Jin Ge is not 16 years old. In his eyes, he is a half-aged child.

Moreover, when he leaves his family, some of them suffer, scold him, give him white eyes, and don't treat him as a person.

He will soon regret today's decision.

In that case, he doesn't have to say much.

He sighed: "let's go. I'll take you to pack your things. The young master is kind-hearted. Although you betrayed your family, you are young. The young master doesn't care about you. You can take all your things away."

"I didn't betray my family!" Jin Ge said with red eyes, "the young master drove me away. I didn't want to go!"

"You did something wrong first, and then you were greedy, and you negotiated terms with the young master, and the young master would drive you away!" Gu Chi frowned and said: "Jin Ge, no matter how old or young you are, you have to have a conscience! The family saved your life and raised you for a long time. It's delicious and delicious. It spent a lot of time and money on you. What did you repay the family? You took care of the young master and got sick soon after you went to the young master. Is that your reward for the family?"

"I didn't mean it!" Jin Ge said wrongly, "I don't know that giving the young master delicious food will make them sick!"

Gu Chi said coldly, "Jinge, remember, manslaughter is also a crime! Wrong is wrong. When you get to society, no one will forgive you because you don't make a mistake on purpose!"

Their training camp can teach such innocent children.

What a surprise!

He didn't go to the training camp to beat those instructors for a long time. Did those instructors float?

What's this?

Surprisingly, the child passed the interview of their young master!

Must be their young master Yan Kong's crime again?

I visited my face and was fooled by this boy!


He also taught him for some time, but there was no long-term contact, no major event, and he didn't find the child's mind so... It's hard to say.

It can only be said that the horsepower can be known by a long way, and the hearts of the people can be seen by the day!

Although Jin Ge was a little frightened in his eyes, he still looked wronged and stubborn. He had nothing to say to him.

Reality will teach him to be a man.

He took Jin Ge to his dormitory and helped him pack his things. "I'll take you out."

He sent Jin Ge outside the gate.

Jin Ge said haltingly, "brother Chi, you... Can you tell me Mrs. Lu's contact information?", the fastest update of the webnovel!