You Are My Rare Passion

Chapter 6879

Gu Chi sighed.

He knew it would be.

"Wait a minute." he called and asked someone to send him a list of yesterday's guests.

There were three guests surnamed Lu yesterday.

Excluding the two he thought impossible, he gave the contact information of the remaining one to Jinge: "good luck."

"Thank you," Jin Ge took over the contact information: "brother Chi, I'll miss you."

Gu Chi shook his head: "although... Alas... There's a real problem, call me."

It's impossible for him to come back again, but if he meets bad people and wants to bully him, he can personally help him.

After all, we met once.

Jin Ge nodded: "thank you, brother Chi."

He left the carving time with his suitcase and the address given to him by Gu Chi.

He took a taxi and went straight to the place on the address.

In the high-end villa area, there is a doorpost at the gate. No one is allowed to enter. He can only stand by the roadside and wait.

When it was getting dark, a silver car drove past him and retreated back.

The car stopped not far from him. A rich middle-aged woman got off the car and walked up to him with a smile: "isn't this Jinge little brother? Why are you here?"

When Jin Ge saw her, her eyes lit up: "Mrs. Lu!"

Mrs. Lu smiled and said, "didn't I say it? Don't be so polite. Just call me aunt!"

"OK," Jin Ge looked at her and smiled shyly, "aunt Lu!"

"Hey!" Mrs. Lu smiled warmly and brightly, "little brother Jinge, why are you here? Are you here to perform any task?"

"No," Jin Ge looked forward to her and said, "aunt, I'm looking for you!"

"Come to me?" Mrs. Lu was stunned. "What are you looking for me?"

"Yes!" Jin Ge nodded, a little shy: "aunt, i... i... I'm not taking care of my family as a bodyguard..."

"Don't be a bodyguard at home?" Mrs. Lu was confused. "Why?"

"Aunt!" Jin Ge summoned up her courage, looked into Mrs. Lu's eyes and asked, "can I be your adopted son?"

"Ah?" Mrs. Lu was stunned.

Jin Ge looked at her and said expectantly, "aunt, didn't you say that you especially want to have a son like me? Shall I be your son?"

"What, what?" Mrs. Lu was silly. "Be my son?"

"Yes!" Jin Ge nodded vigorously, "you like me and I like you, so shall I be your son?"

"Be my son?" Mrs. Lu twitched at the corners of her mouth and was stunned for a long time before she came back to her mind: "what's the matter? You didn't do well at home. Why did you suddenly come here?"

Jinge looked at her with bright eyes: "aunt, I don't want to be a bodyguard at home. I want to be your son. I want to have my own home, so I resigned!"

"Did you resign? In order to be my son, you resigned?" Mrs. Lu asked anxiously with a trembling heart, some soft legs and a pale face, "is that what you and the fifth master and the fifth master's wife said? You said you didn't want to be the bodyguard of your family because you wanted to be my son?"

She stared at Jin Ge tightly, and a heart came up to her throat.

If Jin Ge really said so, their Lu family would be in great trouble!

Do you think your life is too long?

This child... Why is this child like this?

Do they have a grudge against him?!, the fastest update of the webnovel!