You Are My Rare Passion

Chapter 6877

"Mrs. Lu?" Gu Chi frowned. "Which Mrs. Lu?"

"Mrs. Lu, who came to the young master's hundred day banquet last night," said Jinge with bright eyes. "She praised me for my beauty and aura. She also said that if she had a son like me, she would be happy and laugh in her dreams!"

Gu Chi: "

He patted Jin Ge on the shoulder and said earnestly: "boy, for the sake of an acquaintance, brother Chi taught you a word, don't take good words seriously and bad words seriously! How can you take the flattery casually said by others seriously?"

Not only seriously, but also floating!

I can't even weigh myself.

"Don't take good words seriously and bad words seriously? You... You mean Mrs. Lu lied to me?" Jinge was stunned.

He was stunned for a moment and shook his head: "no, no! Many people praise me. Does everyone lie to me?"

"Alas -" Gu Chi looked at him, sighed and worried.

The child is so beautiful and naive. It's estimated that it won't be long before he leaves his family.

"You..." he sighed again: "Let me tell you, those who praised you yesterday all praised you for your family's face! Because you are a family member, they praised you. They praised you sincerely and sincerely. They looked very enthusiastic, like heartfelt words. In fact, even if they saw the family dog... Oh, they would praise their enthusiasm even if they were black and white And sincere! "

Although he didn't see the people who sang kuajin song yesterday, he could guess who they were.

It must be some relationship households who come in by messy relationships such as nepotism.

At ordinary times, I didn't have the opportunity to contact the family members. At the hundred day banquet of their young master, when the guests of the family banquet, they begged grandpa and grandma to get an invitation or were brought in by seven aunts.

I didn't have a chance to see the Gu family before. I finally had a chance to see him yesterday. No matter who he is, as long as it's the Gu family, I'll pick good words when I see him.

If you say good words without money, no one will be surprised. You can't be wrong!

People who have experienced social beating like him have long realized the essence of the sentence he just taught Jin Ge: good words are not taken seriously, and bad words are not taken seriously.

But Jin Ge was too young to see the world. She was warmly and sincerely praised by several people. She was serious and floated!

That's terrible!

He shook his head helplessly: "boy, believe me, when you leave the family, Mrs. Lu may praise you when she sees you again, but when she knows that you are no longer a family member, her praise for you must not be as enthusiastic and sincere as yesterday."

"No! No!" Jin Ge's heart beat badly.

The reason why he had the confidence to quarrel with Gu Jun was because he thought he had a way back.

He has his own careful thinking - from yesterday to now, he has been secretly thinking that if the young master is not willing to accept him as his apprentice, he will go to Mrs. Lu!

Mrs. Lu likes him so much that she must be willing to accept him as her adopted son!

Although the family background of the Lu family seems to be much worse than that of the Gu family, it is better to be the adoptive son of the wife, who is half the master, than to be a bodyguard at the Gu family.

But now, Gu Chi told him that Mrs. Lu lied to him.

Mrs. Lu's enthusiasm for him comes from the Gu family. Once Mrs. Lu learns that he has left the Gu family, she will no longer have yesterday's enthusiasm!, the fastest update of the webnovel!