You Are My Rare Passion

Chapter 6876

Gu Junzhu is too lazy to say anything.

If Jin Ge wasn't young, he wouldn't even say those words to Jin Ge.

There was a knock outside the door.

Gu Jun responded lazily: "enter."

Gu Chi knocked on the door and came in and saluted, "young master."

"Take him out," Gu Jun motioned Jinge with his chin. "He can take his things away and ask Gu Qi to arrange a reliable welfare home for him. From now on, he has nothing to do with Gu's family."

"OK, young master," Gu Chi looked at Jin Ge with some regret, "let's go."

"My Lord!" Jin Ge begged and looked at Gu Junzhu: "please, think again! I will try my best and won't let you down."

"No," Gu Junzhu said, "you are not the person who needs to take care of your family. It is good to have ambition, but the premise of ambition is that you should have the strength to match your ambition. When you go outside, study hard, be down-to-earth and don't aim too high."

That is, he was a father. When he saw the young child, he thought of his son. He couldn't help feeling pity. For the sake of Jin Ge's young age, he said so much nonsense, otherwise he didn't bother to say a word more.

Jin Ge bit her lips and felt very sad.

Why not take him?

Why do you refuse to accept him after receiving several?

"Master..." tears rolled in his eyes, "please, give me a chance, I won't let you down! Give me a chance, let me try, I can really do well!"

Gu Jun frowned one by one and looked at Gu Chi: "Xiao Chi?"

"Yes, young master!" Gu Chi quickly hugged Jin Ge's shoulder and forcibly took him out, "let's go out and say."

"Ye......" Jin Ge struggled hard and tried to turn her head to see Gu Junzhu.

However, his strength could not rival Gu Chi, and Gu Chi finally took him out of his study.

"Brother Chi, why?" Jin Ge reluctantly asked Gu Chi, "young master has taken so many disciples, why can't you take me? I can really do well, better than everyone else!"

He really wants to be the young master's Apprentice. Like Qin Junye, he is taken care of, surrounded and called young master Jinge!

He also wants to be a young master. He doesn't want to be a bodyguard serving people!

Gu Chi frowned. "It's the young master's freedom to accept whoever he wants as an apprentice. If he doesn't want to accept you, he won't accept you. Do you need a reason?"

Jin Ge was stunned and murmured, "but he can accept me! I begged him! I also promised that I must do better than others. Why can't he try?"

Gu Chi: "

Now he knows why the young master asked him to expel Jinge and leave.

I haven't found anything wrong with the child's head before.

Why did you suddenly lose your mind?



He grinded his teeth and patted Jin Ge's shoulder, "Boy, there is no hatred or love for no reason in the world. When you were in trouble, your family saved you because your family was kind and willing to do good deeds. Your family accepted you into the training camp because you had good qualifications and were worth cultivating, but there are too many people like you! You didn't stand out and let the young master treat you differently, young master Why take you as an apprentice? "

"Don't I have something unique to stand out?" Jin Ge opened her eyes. "However, many people praise me! Mrs. Lu said, it's a pity that I'm not her son. If she had such a beautiful and clever son, she would be happy to dream and laugh!", the fastest update of the webnovel!