You Are My Rare Passion

Chapter 6867

Gu Qingrun will arrive soon.

He made a quick inspection for the little swim.

Ye Xingbei asked anxiously, "how about it?"

"It's really acute diarrhea," Gu Qingrun said. "The crying is not only because of the pain caused by gastrointestinal spasm..."

He paused and said, "let's have an infusion. The diarrhea is serious. The little master cries so badly. It must be very uncomfortable. The infusion can be relieved quickly."

"Infusion? So serious?" Ye Xingbei was confused.

Xiaoshumiao had weak physique and allergic asthma when she was a child. It is common to take medicine for infusion, but Xiaojiang and Xiaoxie have been raised very well. From birth to now, let alone infusion, they haven't even taken medicine several times.

Xiaoyou is so small. Why do you need an infusion?

She was distressed and anxious. Her eyes turned red and her tears were full of tears.

Gu Jun patted her one by one, frowned and asked Gu Qingrun, "do you have to have an infusion?"

"It's best to have an infusion," Gu Qingrun said. "Don't worry, young master. I'll use the safest and effective medicine. The side effects are minimal and can be basically ignored... Taking medicine can also be good, but it's slow to relieve symptoms. Young master may suffer a lot more."

"That's infusion!" how can Gu Junzhu be willing to suffer more for his son?

He believed Gu Qingrun's judgment and that the treatment plan he put forward must be the best.

"OK, young master, I'll have someone prepare it right away." Gu Qingrun immediately called his assistant and asked his assistant to bring the necessary medicine and equipment.

After hanging up his cell phone, he sat down next to Xiaoyou and gently massaged Xiaoyou's abdomen.

He rubbed for a moment, the cry of Xiaoyou became less, and his little body didn't twist so much.

Ye Xingbei could see that the small tour should be more comfortable, so he cried less.

How hard should he feel when Xiaoyou cried so bitterly just now?

When she thought about it, she felt distressed and said to herself, "it's me. I didn't take good care of him... Why did I have diarrhea? I ate very carefully and didn't eat anything cold..."

She knows that her milk can affect children. She doesn't eat anything cold, spicy or bad for children. However, why does the child still have diarrhea?

Gu Jun patted her comfortingly, "don't think about it. It's definitely not your problem!"

His own wife, he knows how much she hurts these children, he sees them all.

How many girls are not greedy?

Before ye Xingbei got pregnant and had a baby, he ate ice cream, milk tea and spicy hot pot.

After pregnancy and childbirth, she avoided all junk food. She didn't even drink pearl milk tea, which is not particularly junk. She ate healthy and nutritious things every day in the hope that her children would eat her milk healthily.

It's definitely not her milk problem.

Since it's not her milk problem, where is it?

He recalled it quickly.

As usual, ye Xingbei watched the children herself. When she didn't have time, she let Zhu Que and Bai Ze have a look.

But today, because the two children have a hundred day banquet, ye Xingbei left the two children for a long time.

During that period of time, Zhu que, Bai Ze, Ming Yin and Jin Ge took care of two children.

Is there something wrong when they take care of the children?

For a moment, many thoughts flashed through his mind, but he didn't say anything.

It is urgent to treat the small tour first., the fastest update of the webnovel!