You Are My Rare Passion

Chapter 6866

Master Gu left first. Gu Junzhu, ye Xingbei, Qiao Zui and yunjue all stayed to greet the guests.

At noon and at night, there was a toast in each of the VIP rooms, a toast in the hall, and all the guests were sent away. Gu Junzhu and ye Xingbei came home.

After a whole day, I was very tired, but very happy and full.

Everyone came with blessings for their baby son. When everyone saw them, they had to say a few words to praise their baby son.

Although they know that maybe they just say polite words, they are still very happy.

Hearing people praise their precious son, although they will be modest, their hearts are sweeter than drinking honey.



Ye Xingbei was the only one who spoke modestly. Gu Wuye received all his compliments according to the order.

They say, Gu Shao, your sons look very much like you.

Mr. Gu said, yes, it was carved in the same mold as me.

People say, fifth master, your young master is smart and talented at first sight.

Mr. Gu said, yes, my son is smart, sensible and never forgets.

Ye Xingbei could only smile awkwardly but politely and pick up the appropriate words to be modest.

She has given up persuading Mr. Gu to be modest.

Rivers and mountains are easy to change, but nature is hard to change.

It's estimated that Mr. Gu can't change it.

Especially in praising and showing off my son, I'm afraid I can never change it!

After a busy day, I was very tired when I got home.

Go to xiaoshumiao'er's room, Xiaojiang's room and Xiaoxie's room. After taking care of them and sleeping, they go back to their bedroom, take a bath and sleep.

The two little ones had already fallen asleep. They were snoring and smelling like two little pigs.

The two kissed one by one, turned off the lights and went to bed.

After chatting for a while, ye Xingbei fell asleep.

I don't know how long she slept. She was awakened by the child's cry.

She woke up after a thrill. She was about to turn on the light. Gu Jun turned on the light one by one.

They didn't think much. They thought the child was hungry or pulled or peed.

Crying is swimming.

Ye Xingbei leaned over and touched his diapers first.

It's hot, either pee or pull.

Ye Xingbei opened his diapers and suddenly his face changed, "Gu Junzhu, you seem to have diarrhea!"

Diapers are wet everywhere. It's different in peacetime.

"Have diarrhea?" Gu Jun frowned one by one. "How can you have diarrhea when you are so small?"

Only a hundred days!

The book says that babies within six months have antibodies brought out from the mother's body and are not easy to get sick.

Moreover, the two little guys have only breast milk and boiled water so far, and they haven't added supplementary food. How can they have diarrhea?

Ye Xingbei took off his dirty diapers, took a piece of isolation towel and spread it under Xiaoyou. He picked up his calf and smoked some paper towels to wipe his dirty little ass.

Wipe, wipe, little youyou pulled again.

Because ye Xingbei comforted the little guy whose cry was a little lower, "wow", the cry was loud again.

Crying, crying at the top of my throat, twisting my body while crying.

Ye Xingbei was in a hurry, sweating on his forehead: "Gu Junzhu, is the baby uncomfortable? Is it a stomachache?"

The two children have never cried so much since they were born.

Xiaojiang and Xiaojiang thank you for raising well. They rarely get sick and haven't cried so much.

"Don't worry, I'll let Gu Qingrun come over!" Gu Jun took out his mobile phone and called Gu Qingrun.

He comforted Ye Xingbei and told ye Xingbei not to worry. In fact, he couldn't worry himself., the fastest update of the webnovel!