You Are My Rare Passion

Chapter 6868

Xiaoyouyou has been crying. His voice is a little hoarse. He is distressed and wants to replace it with his body. For the time being, he has no idea to investigate who is responsible for his son's diarrhea.

Gu Qingrun's assistant sent the things needed for infusion at the fastest speed. Gu Qingrun prepared the medicine himself and gave Xiaoyou infusion.

Xiaoyou is too small. You can only prick a scalp needle.

Shave a piece of hair off your forehead and stick a scalp needle into the blood vessels on your head.

Gu Qingrun asks Xiaoyou's head to lie beside the bed. Please help fix Xiaoyou's head one by one. Gu Qingrun personally injects Xiaoyou.

When the shining scalp needle pierced Xiaoyou's scalp, Xiaoyou cried and burst into tears. The blood vessels on his head bulged high. Mount Tai collapsed at the top but Gu Junzhu looked unchanged. At the moment, his hands were a little shaking.

Ye Xingbei didn't even turn his head. He didn't dare to look. His tears flowed.

She can't stand this.

She would rather put the needle on herself than her son.

Obviously, she is not delicate. Let alone stabbing her once, stabbing her ten or eight times, she doesn't frown. But stabbing her son, she can't stand the pain with a twisted heart.

Fortunately, Gu Qingrun's technology is good. He succeeded with one stitch.

After Gu Qingrun fixed the needle, he wanted the assistant to fix Xiaoyou's head instead of Gu Junzhu, so that Xiaoyou didn't move around, so as not to drum the needle, but Gu Junzhu refused.

Gu Junzhu doesn't want to fake others. He just wants to watch himself.

Gu Qingrun naturally obeyed his advice. After freeing his hand, he continued to massage Xiaoyou.

About twenty minutes later, Xiaoyou's cry gradually decreased, his body no longer twisted, and he fell asleep.

Ye Xing, who took care of the little fish, looked at Gu Qingrun in the Northern Dynasty: "is it good to swim?"

The little fish was awakened by the wandering cry and cried. Ye Xingbei was feeding and holding the pat. It was easy to coax him to sleep.

Gu Qingrun nodded: "if you don't cry, it means that your body is not uncomfortable. Don't worry, madam. It's not very serious. You'll be well soon after you lose the liquid."

Ye Xingbei nodded, "that's good."

Gu Jun asked Gu Qingrun one by one, "can you find out why xiaoyouyou has diarrhea?"

"We can find out whether it is caused by cold or eating unclean things," Gu Qingrun took the stool of Xiaoyou and asked the assistant to take it for testing. He explained: "if the stool is OK, it is caused by cold. If the stool is wrong, it is caused by eating unclean things."

"OK," Gu Jun nodded one by one, "tell me the result immediately."

Gu Qingrun nodded, "OK, young master."

Gu Junzhu looked at Ye Xingbei: "you go to the guest room with the little fish for a night. I'll take care of you here."

Ye Xingbei hesitated.

She's not sure.

Gu Jun coaxed her one by one: "good, go. You should take good care of the little fish. If you cry again and wake the little fish later, the little fish can't rest well and has poor resistance. What if he gets sick? Don't worry if I'm here. I'll call you right away. Good, go quickly!"

Ye Xingbei couldn't resist him, so he had to take the little fish to the guest room.

Gu Qingrun said, "young master, you go to rest with Mrs. Shao. I'll just stare here."

Gu Junzhu shook his head: "I'm fine."

His son is ill. As a father, he has to accompany him. He can't leave his son to Gu Qingrun.

He was worried., the fastest update of the webnovel!