You Are My Rare Passion

Chapter 6861

The money given by others is a rootless tree, which can't last long.

She doesn't want to ask the Lin family for money for the rest of her life. She wants to marry Lin Shen and be the hostess of the Lin family who has the power of money!

However, Lin Shen disagreed!

The biggest war broke out between her and the Lin family after she was adopted by the Lin family.

This time, she still did the same, hid the radiant stone under the bed of Lin Jianlu, and she ran out.

A few days later, Lin saw that the deer lived up to her expectations and fell ill again!

This time, Lin Shenshi came to her in person and agreed to her request.

Soon, she will be the young lady of the Lin family.

In the future, she will be the mistress of the Lin family. As the one who controls money, she can spend as much as she wants. She doesn't have to look at people's faces anymore!

When she was satisfied, Lin Shen suddenly found her and said so many strange words.

Is Wu Xiuzhi her own aunt?

Are you a fake?

When Lin Shen knew that the noble man was fake, he also knew that Lin Jianlu was always ill. It was she who tampered in Lin Jianlu's room.

So, when she married Lin Shen, could her dream of being a young lady of the Lin family come true?

For a time, her heart beat badly, and she couldn't feel happiness in her arms.

She pushed away the two men in her arms and shouted angrily: "get out!"

Several young cowherd immediately left in a hurry.

"Why? Scared?" Lin Shen sneered, "You really should be afraid! For so many years, you've been stirring up the wind and rain in our house. Don't you rely on you to be the noble man of the deer? But now, we know that the so-called noble man is false! It's a lie fabricated by you and your shameless aunt. Do you think our Lin family will still support you? Will you do whatever you want?"

Lin Rao's heart beat fast, as if to jump out of her chest.

Will you?

Of course not!

Lin Shen was right.

Over the years, she has been calling the wind and rain in the Lin family, unscrupulous, relying on the chip that she is the noble man of Lin Jianlu.

Lin Jianlu will be unlucky and ill once she leaves!

But now, the Lin family knows that the so-called noble person is a lie from beginning to end. Will the Lin family tolerate her and support her?

The answer must be No.

She panicked.

The original lazy body without bones sat straight, and his face was tight, "brother... I..."

"Shut up!" Lin Shen interrupted her disgustedly, "I'm not your brother, I'm your enemy! I wish I could eat your meat and drink your blood!"

He stared at Lin Rao fiercely with a cold, sharp sword look, and wanted to peel her and eat meat. "These years, you and Wu Xiuzhi have played with our Lin family in the palm of their hands, causing no peace for our family. You still have the face to call me brother!"

"I......" Lin Rao didn't want to admit: "brother, I can't understand what you said. I'm innocent!"

"Oh!" Lin Shen looked at her with a sneer, "I will personally send you home. When you return to the country, the police will tell you whether you are innocent!"


Lin Rao's face changed greatly. She suddenly got up and ran outside the door.

She can't go home!

Lin Shenshi said that the police had been arrested by Wu Xiuzhi.

Wu Xiuzhi was Lin Shen's aunt.

Lin Shen even caught his own aunt, not to mention her?

Stay here, she can escape the punishment of the law, find a place where no one knows her and start over.

Back home, she will face the punishment of the law.

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